➳ forty-five

660 34 2

12:00 PM.

Yoongi leaned against the wall infront of the room Jihyo was currently in. As promised, he'd pick her up ("although the promise was for the time class ends, this counts as the end of the morning class", Yoongi shrugged)

How he got out of class early? That's something only he knows. The bell rang, and students rushed outside the room one-by-one.

By the time almost everyone has left the room, the petite girl Yoongi was waiting for finally appeared, a couple of books in her hand.

The girl stopped her tracks as soon as she saw him infront. Jihyo knew she told him to not wait for her, everyone would be suspicious of them. But then here he was, standing infront of her.

Before Jihyo could protest, Yoongi had gotten a hold of her bag, along with the books she was carrying earlier. What's the point of complaining now anyway?

Throwing her hands up in the air, she finally gave in, earning a smile from the guy. "I'm not gonna argue anymore since my head hurts so much." Jihyo sighs in defeat.

"Good." he remarked.

The two walked towards the cafeteria side by side, thankful that the corridors were all empty, everyone busy with their own stuff.

By the time they reached the door of the cafeteria, Jihyo grabbed all of her belongings, dashing inside without saying a word.

Yoongi, on the other hand, just let her. It did hurt him a little, but he understands. Besides, he'd be able to do those without restrictions someday.

Smiling like an idiot, Yoongi entered the room. And before he knew it, he has already gained the attention of his fangirls.


Those girls attack him whenever he's alone. He should've not let Jihyo go first.

And it struck him.

If Jihyo stayed and entered with him, there was a higher chance that those girls would target Jihyo. Yoongi shivered at the thought.

His fangirls ran and formed a circle, trapping him inside. They couldn't care less with his privacy. He can't believe he had to deal with this today.

The cafeteria has erupted into various emotions. Some were screaming with joy, technically the fangirls. Others were just watching at them with huge smiles, the 'others' referring to his friends at the table.

Nayeon has reached the limit, beginning to laugh loud and eventually falling from her seat. The table was filled with giggles and laughs of all sort. But there was someone displaying an aura quite opposite to the others.

Yoongi felt that. That someone was shooting lasers at him. He looked over to where he felt it, and he saw the table his friends are at.

And there Jihyo was, glaring at each and every one of the fangirls. Before Yoongi could've seen it, she turned her head away.

Yoongi may not have seen it, but someone did.
And that someone would be...

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