➳ thirty-eight

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Before anyone could realize, the weekends have already ended. Jihyo's biggest fear had come: facing her friends in school. They sure weren't the type to let those go, especially if she got caught with a boy.

Running a hand through her hair (which she always does when she's nervous), she made her way to the classroom, grateful that only Mina's her classmate.

It's fine, she just has to avoid them today. She could hide at the school garden, or even the rooftop. Jihyo had a variety of places to hide from her friends.

But luck was never in her side unfortunately.

Just a second after opening her room's door, she was greeted by the sight of all her friends at her classroom. Just as she was about to leave, Sana had caught her, grabbing her wrist and closing the door.

"You're not getting away with this one." Sana spoke, the face of amusement clearly showing.

Jihyo looked over to Mina, sending a face that signalled that she needed help, but Mina could only give her an apologetic smile.

Gosh, why would the universe hate Jihyo so much.

In between the others' banters and teases, Jihyo raised her voice, gaining attention from the people in the room (luckily, it was only her and her friends).

"Alright! I'll speak!" Jihyo didn't mean to shout, but she had no other way of getting the girls' attentions.

Everyone then hurriedly formed a small circle around her, trapping her as if they were a human barricade. ("so we're sure that you won't escape", Jeongyeon shrugged.)

Truth is, Jihyo was never the type to speak, she'd rather listen to her friends, letting them talk and voice their problems out on her, and she would help them, yet no one was there to help her, but it's not like it bothered her.

"Okay, I need you guys to listen. Just listen. No interruptions or whatsoever, alright? Today it's me who gets to speak."

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