New Outfit

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We ran through the store. I had had the brilliant idea that nobody would recognize One Direction if they were Goth! So the lads were all decked out in black walking with us today.

But the boys had insisted that it would be odd for two normal girls to be walking with five Goth guys... So Maddi and I got to dress up too! Yay.

Eh, but it had worked so far. We all stopped as we walked past a store. We backtracked and all walked in with out saying a word.

We all love the wig store.

I ran to some afro-wigs and put on a white curly one. I turned to see Zayn with dreads and started cracking up. Louis came up, looking very serious in his, long blond 'Hannah-Montana!' wig.

"Aww, Niall, your such a cute little leprechaun!" Maddi said when he put on a red Scottish wig. He grinned and took it off.

Zayn started doing a disco dance and I stood next to him and joined. We started a disco in the a wig store. Zayn and I clapped hands and bumped butts then grinned at each other. Zayn traded his dreads for a curly hairy wig and smiled at me. "Hay Gurl, Hay!"

I giggled, "Shut up Zayn." He started to do a little dance move and tripped, doing a face-plant into the hard marble. "Oh my God, Zayn, are you alright?!" Louis helped him up and I saw a huge gash across his forehead. Blood dripped down onto his eye and I gasped. "I'm going to go clean him up," I told the others, grabbing Zayn's hand. "You guys keep shopping." They nodded, looks of concern on their face.

People stared at us as we made our way to the restrooms, probably wondering if he was really bleeding, or if it was a new goth trend.

As we arrived at the toilets I patted the sink. "Up," I said to him. He looked at me like I was crazy. "Look, it's not even wet. Just sit." He sighed, but complied and jumped up onto the counter.

I grabbed some toilet paper and wet it. I cleaned the cut best I could before looking at in my purse for some medicine for it. I found some Neosporin and wiped it on the cut. He looked at me as I did it.

"Lex, I really am sorry." He said slowly. I nodded, and started looking through my purse again. My eyes were starting wo water for some reason. I finally found what I was looking for and pulled out some tape. I had it in there because I always lost it when I put it somewhere else.

I put a pice of tape on some toilet paper and taped it to the cut. I was crying by then, reliving the painful memory for the first time since we moved. He jumped down and hugged me. "I still love you." He whispered and I cried harder.


Zayn didn't say anything and neither did I when we found the others. I felt better and I don't think my eyes were red or anything. I felt like such a 'sissy girl' as my mom would say after crying,  don't usually do that; especially not over guys. 

We finally got to a store that actually had clothes in it and looked all around. Louis ran through the aisles until he reached the dresses. "Really Lou? Dresses?"

"Hey, I want my twin to look good when I introduce her to all our fans," I had forgotten that. He planned on telling them about Maddi and Harry there, and that we were just alike.

I shrugged and continued looking. "Oh," I said, picking one up. "I love this one..." And I could afford it! I grabbed my size off the rack and tried it on. I wondered where Maddi went. Probably off somewhere with Harry. They seemed inseparable lately.

It fit; I changed back into my clothes and stepped out. "I'm getting it," He reached for it and I shook my head. "I got it." He raised his hands in surrender and grinned.

As I was paying Lou fidgeted. "Hey, about that kiss..." My breath caught. I had managed to push that out of my mind all day.

"Yeah?" I said without looking up.

"Di-" He was cut off by someone screaming.

"OH MY CHEEZE!!! LOUIS TOMLINSON IS HERE! AND HE'S GOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Louis grabbed my hand.

"Run." We raced out of the store, seeing the rest of our group waiting for us by the door. Probably having heard the screaming girl. That girl had lungs.

We all ran out of the store into the parking lot. I wished we hadn't parked so far away. I turned to look back and saw the most girls I've seen in a group chasing after us.

"Shiiiiii-taki mushrooms," I managed to say and kept running. I slammed into the side of the car and ripped open the door. "Ow," I said and climbed in. Liam got in the driver’s seat and everyone piled in. We took off, stopping at their hotel and leaving all the girls to the security.

We all collapsed on the couch and sighed. I was glad we got away, because a bunch of girls don't sound scary, but they are when they're chasing you yelling. "STAY AWAY FROM MY BOYS YOU SHE-DEVILS!"

But something was itching at the edge of my mind. What was Louis going to say before we were interrupted?

Has your team changed? I WANNA KNOW YOUR OPINION! :D :P -All Love, Lilith.

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