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"They want me to go to a lake! You know I don't like them..." Zayn knows I don't like lakes too- I wonder what he'll do.

"Just tell them the truth! And you don't have to go in it." Maddi tried to talk me into it. I really wanted to go but I wouldn't have fun.

So I don't like lakes. I'm fine in rivers and pools. I've never been to the ocean- but I hate that more than lakes already. It's not that I'm afraid of water, and I know that there's nothing in the water but fish and I can swim okay. But I guess fish scare me. I don't like swimming in lakes where I can't touch or see the bottom- it freaks me out. It's not something I'm embarrassed about, but I always want to get in when I'm there and I try and I just can't.

"I'll go- I want to- it just kills me when I want to get in and I cant cause I don't like the feeling of not knowing what's under me." The scariest thing I've ever did was dive into a lake- I was tired of being scared and just wanted to try it. I didn't go near one for a year after. I back to normal now, but it still freaked me out. “I don't even have a swimsuit cause I grew out of my old one..." Maddi grinned.

"You know what that means right!" I looked at her before realizing what she meant. I groaned.



We ended up at the store, looking at all the swimsuits. Maddi had decided to buy one too.

"How 'bout this one?" She waggles her eyebrows at me jokingly as I took in the butt-ugly swimsuit.

"It's totally fitting." I laughed as she hit me with it and continued looking.

"Here's one!" She said, holding up a red bikini. "Try it on!" She said to me.

"For me? Nuh-uh! Too sexy." She lifted her eyebrows at me.

"Exactly. Now go try it on!" I groaned but obeyed. On it wasn't as bad as it looked, It was actually pretty cute. I walked out.

"I like it," I told her. She grinned.

"Good, cause you look great! Now for me." She eventually picked out a blue bikini and we ate some lunch.

"Hey, what do you think Mom is going to say when I tell her about this trip?" I asked Maddi, she almost choked on her milkshake.

"If I were you," She said, coughing, "I wouldn't tell her at all!" We laughed and continued eating.

"... You know... Harry likes you..." I said slowly.

"I like him too, he's a great friend." She said, not paying any attention.

"Well, he likes you more than a friend..." She spit her food out all over the tray and started choking. She took a drink and yelled.

"What?!" Attracting a lot of stares.

"Erm, well, he just told me and Lou that he 'fancies you' and I thought you should know..."

She was silent before saying, "Good to know..."

-Louis POV-

"C'mon boys! New swim trunks aren't going to buy themselves!"

"Lou, do we have to go shopping for trunks every time we go swimming?"

"Yes! Now come on!" We walked into the Wal-Mart and looked around.

"Oooh Toys!!!" Liam yelled and ran off.

"Toys!?" The rest of the boys followed. I rolled my eyes and kept up.

"You boys are so immature!" I said as I reached them. "Oh-Mi-Gosh Light Sabers!"

I grabbed a red one and jumped in front of Zayn, who had a blue one. "Prepare to die!" Zayn told me, scrunching up his face.

"Of laughter! At how bad your moves are!" I said, and jumped in to stab him. He tried to stab me too and we both ended up dieing. "Oh God, you got me!" I said and clutched my heart.

"Oh no, I'm dieing as well!" He fell backwards into Harry's arms and I fell back into Niall's.

"Where's Liam?" I asked Niall randomly, looking up at him. Suddenly Liam ran in, wearing a cowboy get-up. On a horse... that was actually a horse head attached to a stick.

"Guess who I am!" He yelled at us, grinning.

"Pinocchio!" I guessed and he looked at me exasperatedly.

"No, I'm Woody Lou! Would've thought you knew me better than that!" I grinned.

"I'm so sorry Liam! Your mighty stallion threw me off!"

"It's sooo sexy!" Harry announced and jumped on the back of it. "I just can't resist a man in a cowboy hat!" Liam laughed. Niall was, of course, red-in-the-face. He just thinks everything's amazing- it's awesome. I spotted the horses and grabbed one.

"To the swimwear!" I announced, squeezing my horses ear. It let out a whinny and we galloped off into the sunset.

I know, nothing really happened in this. But I will update really soon, K? -All Love, Lilith

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