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I put the swimsuit on under my clothes and walked out of the bathroom. "So they're coming to pick us up?" I asked Maddi.

"Yup, your mom is going to be excited huh?"

"That's what I'm afraid of..." Just then Mom walked in from outside where she was gardening.

"What's up girls?" She asked us and we looked at each other.

"Erm, were going to the lake with some friends. They are going to pick us up soon..." I admitted.

"Boys?!" She squealed, and I groaned.

"Yes Mom, boys. We are going to swim with a few of our guy friends." Mom grinned but didn't say anything. As I turned I heard: "So I get to meet them? You have to point out the one you said you were in love with!"

Maddi's head snapped to face me, "Your in love with one of them?!" I groaned.

"No, I just said he was cute! Mom likes to exaggerate." I rolled my eyes at Mom and we heard a car horn from outside. "They're here!" I said a little over-excited and they both gave me 'looks'. "C'mon mom, if you want to see them you better come out."

She did her little happy dance and ran to the front door. I swear, I'm like the grown up of the house, if Dad were here he would be throwing water balloons at them telling them to stay away from his daughter.

We walked to the car they were standing by and they all shook my mom's hands.

"Nice to see you again Zayn!" Mom said to him. "Now which one of you is Louis?" I looked at her in horror. Louis raised his hand. "So your the one my Lex is always talking about!" I slapped my forehead with my hand and hid my eyes from Lou's smile.

"Am I?" I couldn't help a small smile at his tone of voice. Mom nodded.

"She just goes on and on about how amazing you are!" I looked at her.

"Mom! All I said was that he was c-" I stopped, "Erm... Never mind. Let's go!" I climbed into the car. They all laughed and climbed in the car after me.

"Bye Honey! LOVE YOU!" Mom screeched as we drove away. I waved and laughed.

"She's horrible!" I groaned once we were moving.

"I don't know; I liked her." Louis said, with a mischievous smile.

"You shut up!" I said and slid lower in my seat. I don't like any of them!... Much.

Zayn was the only one not smiling and teasing me. "I'm just going to sit by Zayn- He's the only one not bothering me!" I said snootily and moved over by Zayn. "How you doing Zayn?" I asked him. He smiled down at me.

"I'm doing great Lex, you?"

"Dandy." I mock pouted and we all chuckled.

"Are you going to swim?" He whispered in my ear.

"I'll try..." I whispered back, and Louis yelled.

"Secrets? What secrets are you sharing?" I ignored him and asked Zayn.

"Is Louis scared of lakes?" Zayn shook his head. "Hmm." He's supposed to be my soul twin, but I guess we're not exactly the same...

"We should go do something first. Grab something to eat or go shopping." I said, "It's pretty early to be on the lake..." I wasn't looking forward to it. I love being on the lake, but I didn't want to get in it.

"That's a good idea, Driver," Lou said to the guy in front. "Take us to that shopping mall area we saw earlier!" The driver nodded.

"We passed it on the way here, it has restaurants and didn't look crowded!" I nodded.

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