Ice Skating

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The only really fond moment I have of ice-skating is when a cute boy worked there and had to help me with my shoe because it had broken somehow. Sure, hanging out with friends is fun, but it is still very painful falling every two minutes. Whenever I go ice-skating I can't sit for days after. Maybe they will have better butt pads this time. I sure hope so, because the ones they had always exploded when I fell.

Maddi and I strapped on our skates and waited for One Direction to arrive, the only people there were two older couples and they were both eating food right now. So I don't think fans will bother us.

Maddi was laying down on a stood pretending to sleep and I snorted very ladylike and sat on her.

"This is a very lumpy stool!" I said out loud and she grunted.

"Hmm, wonder why!"

I got off her and helped her up as the boys walked in. They were wearing onesies and fake mustaches- I stood up with my mouth open.

"Did you bring me a mustache!?" I exclaimed, totally jealous of their amazing lip hair- fake or not.  I should've known. Louis grinned and pulled one out from behind his back. "Yay! I should've known I could count on you to know I would want one!"

It matched my hair perfectly; a light gold color- and the style matched Louis's. It looked just like the Pringles man mustache.

Harry gave Maddi her's and we got on the ice shakily.

I held on to Maddi's hand before she passed me off to Liam and Zayn. Who also sucked at ice-skating. We made our way in a circle, holding on to the wall for dear life. Turns out they did get new butt pads, but they were not much better. My butt wouldn't hurt as much when I fell, but they would still explode. This I knew because Liam had already fallen four times, and had brought Zayn and me with him. Good thing we caught ourselves before our butts hit. Hehe, butts- I'm immature.

"So Zainy, how is being a world famous superstar?" I asked him, using his old nickname.

"It's amazayn!" He sang, and I rolled my eyes. "No, it's actually pretty cool,"

My wavy hair got in my eyes and I shook it out, managing to hit both Zayn and Liam in the face. I kept almost falling just holding their hands, so I threw my arms around their shoulders.

"Oh God,” Liam gasped.

"We're going to die." Zayn said, as I pulled them lower, because I am shorter than them. Maddi Louis decided to save their lives by separating us. Lou took me and Maddi took Zayn and Liam. Louis is really good at ice-skating and kept me from falling down.

"So I haven't really had a real chance to talk to my twin yet." He said.

"Yeah? Okay, let's talk. We probably have a lot in common, huh?"

"Yup, so lets see how much!" He exclaimed, grabbing me and spinning in a terrifying turn. I let out a screech and responded as we slowed.

"Okay, ermm, favorite color?" I said the first thing that popped in my head.

"Red." I nodded.

"Mine too,"

"Favorite film?" He asked me.

"Probably Grease or Footloose," He nodded, and we finally settled for a skating style. He skated backwards, pulling me along with him.

"Do you sing?" I raised an eyebrow at him. “Hey, I sing, so my twin should." 

"Actually, yes, I do. But I have really bad stage fright." I admitted. 

"Maybe you can show me sometime when were alone then." I was okay with that. We kept talking and after a while Maddi waved at us. We saw that the rest of them had gotten off the ice already and were feasting on a pizza. Except Zayn, who was looking at Lou and me and frowning.

"Oh no! They're going to eat it all!" I exclaimed.

"Not if I can help it!" He turned and started skating, placing my hands on his waist and pulling me behind him.

"Oh gosh," I said as we sped up and squeezed my eyes shut. He stopped at the edge of the rink and I crashed into his back. "Could've warned me!" I breathed as I stepped up onto the carpeted area.

"Thought you would've read it in my mind already." He said, giving and innocent look.

"Yeah, next time," I said, still trying to slow my heart rate.

"We should go to the cinema!" Maddi exclaimed suddenly. (Which I assume means movie theatres) I looked at her confused. "I just got a text from Austin saying that they're going to the movies tomorrow, and it gave me the idea- its only five now so we should do something fun."

"I wanna shower first though," Harry complained.

"How about we go home and get ready-" Since we were all in our warm ice-skating clothes. "-Then we can meet up at the studio." Everybody nodded, satisfied with that answer, and we tried to figure out what movie we were going to see.

We decided on that new Batman movie. Then headed home.

We went to my house and Maddi hopped in the shower.

"Hey Mom," I said as she walked out of the bedroom.

"Hey Hun, I was just reading my novel when you came in. What'chya doing?" Mom is the kind of mom who acts pretty much like a teenage girl. The first time I ever got a date she squealed and brought me out for manicures and pedicures.

"Going out with some friends." I told her, pouring myself a bowl of Cheerios. Her eyes lit up in interest.

"Are these friends the five boys you told me about?" I shrugged, trying to hide a smile. “They are aren't they?" I started walking away and she followed. "I saw them on a magazine today, you know. They are all pretty cute. And Zain sure grew up." Her voice was just begging for hints.

"Yeah, they're nice too," I said, not giving anything away.

"Oh c'mon Lex-Lex, I won't tell! Which one do you like?" I rolled my eyes.

"I've only known them for a day Mom, other than Zayn, who changed the way you spell his name by the way. It's Z-A-Y-N now."

"Don't you change the subject Alexandra Scott!" I winced at the use of my full name and answered.

"Louis is pretty cute..." I grinned as she clapped her hands in delight and jumped up. I swear, she is more excited than Maddi would be if I said that.

Anyone want to guess what happened next? No? Well, she did what she always does. Gave me a makeover. She's really good at it too; it looks really natural. She gave Maddi one too and we left, all prim and pressed.

I can't imagine what she will do when I get married.


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