Games, games, games

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"Lex, I'm wearing underwear on my head- if passes existed, I would've used it." Niall said seriously. I sighed and looked at Zayn.

"Fine. It was Zayn." Their mouths dropped and they all looked at him.

"You just said you two dated! You didn't mention that!"

"You were the girl with the brick?" Liam asked me and I nodded. I looked at Louis with pleading eyes. Begging him to change the subject.

"We should play megamind!" Louis announced, and ran into a room. He came out holding a camera on a large stand and set it up. Then he put three chairs in front of it, one facing the other two. He talked to Zayn for a second before sitting on his chair.

"Zayn, Lex, go sit!" I went and sat on a chair next to Zayn. "Lex, your fans have been sending in questions about you! Lets see, I will pick some out." He wrote some down on a piece of paper and looked up. "Okay, let me get in host mode!" He contorted his face a bunch, making me crack up. “Okay Niall, turn on the camera!"

"Oh! Why hello! This is your host: Louis Tomlinson!" He winked at the camera, doing an exaggerated hair flip. "Were here with Zayn Jawaad Malik!" Zayn groaned, "And… Alexandra Cleopatra Persephone Scott!" My mouth fell open and I remembered them talking before the video. My Father studies Greek Mythology, and had given me quite the name.

"Zayn Jawaad Malik! You are soooo dead!!!"

"Oh My! But that will have to wait! Because Megamind is back! And is more Mega-er-er than ever-er!" I giggled.

"Lex, you can go first!" I made a 'Hurrah!' motion and he continued. "Lex, wouldyourather... Go bungee jumping? Or Sky Diving?" I thought for a moment, hard one.

"Bungee Jumping!" I said quickly.

"Ha, good choice! What was your first impression of the boys?” I scrunched my nose.

"I thought they were weirdos!" Lou clutched his heart in mock offence. "No, just kidding! I thought Louis was awesome and Zayn was cool-er, and Niall was silly and Liam was rad and Harry was... HOT!" Then I grinned as everybody started laughing. Lou pretended to wipe away a tear.

"Harry? Hot? You sure have odd taste Lex!" I laughed and he continued. "Which boy would you most likely date?"

"Erm, Niall Horan!" I said, looking at him over the camera. He waggled his eyebrows at me and I laughed.

"I agree! What is your favorite song?" Louis said in his hilarious host voice.

"Look After You by Louis Tomlinson!"

"Oh, and your time is up! Lex gets that point because she’s adorable!" I smiled at him and he turned to Zayn.

"Hello DJ Malik! Your question is... If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?"

"Nandos, cause it's good!"

"I'm sorry, but I cannot accept that answer." Lou said, and Zayn held up his hands in question. "Your next question is... What is your favorite pickup line?" Zayn crossed his arms and nodded slowly.

"Vas Happenin?" He said and Louis nodded.

"What is your favorite color?"


"Good choice! Now... Erm... What is...? Uh... I think it says... the? The only..."

"Hurry up Lou!" Zayn said, clutching his chair.

"Erm... The only thing... No! The one thing!... Yes, the one thing you notice about a girl? Oh and your time is up! I'm not going to let you answer... How unlucky!" He suddenly put his hand to his ear.

"What? No way! This is so unexpected! And the winner is... Lex!"

"Yayyyyyy!!!" I jumped up and did a little dance.

"That is it for Megamind right now! We will see you next time... With more Meganess!" Niall turned off the camera.

I looked at the clock. "It's getting late, I should probably go or Mom will get worried."

"Finally!" Niall gasped, and ripped off the underwear. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Glad to know you'll miss me!" I said to him jokingly.

"You know, you and Maddi should come with us to the lake on Friday!" Liam said, smiling at me. Ut-oh. Lakes.

"I'll see," I said and smiled, acting as if everything was fine.

But the problem was... I have a small fear of lakes...

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