Chapter 34

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Anya pov

It took 20 minutes to reach this Mansion in front of me.

I was awestruck by the view

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I was awestruck by the view.
We are still sitting in the car and I was admiring the house no a mansion.

"It's so beautiful....." I said.

"Yeah it is." Zaid said from beside me.

I saw two men's in black came and opened the door for us. What a gentleman.

I got out of the car saying thanks to them and they nodded. After me Siya got out and then everyone.
We were walking towards the entrance when my foot came in contact with my gown and I stumbled on my steps thanks to Zaid he quickly held my waist.
"Watch out." he said and I nodded.

He still had his hands around my waist. We walked to the big gates and it opened we walked in and I was shocked seeing the sight before me. There were many men's and women's I mean everyone was looking pretty.
Zaid's hands around me tightened.

"Do not talk to anyone unless said to. You don't know how they actually are.hmm." he said and I nodded seeing the scene around me.
We got down the stairs and now everyone was looking at us.

"You are really famous." I commented on him. He chuckled.

"It's not me it's you. Nobody ever dare to even look at me they are looking at the angel beside me." I blushed he really think I'm looking like an angel.

"Hey let's go." Siya said taking my hands and taking me away from Zaid. I looked back at him but he wasn't there. I wonder where he went.

Then the thing stuck me.
"Hey Siya is everyone in the Mafia present here." I asked remembering the one person whom Zaid likes.

"Yes everyone." she said and I got upset. It means that she will be here too.

"See there is Macy flirting with the second powerful Mafia." she said pointing at her. There stood Macy talking or rather say flirting with someone an year older than Zaid.

"Who's the first?." I asked.

"There." she said pointing at a direction. When I saw that I was shocked she was pointing at Zaid. It means he's the first powerful Mafia. Oh my God how can I live with dangerous people's.

"Wow." I said.

"Hey Anya You wait here I will come in a minute." she said. I nodded and she leaved.

I was waiting there for five minutes so getting bored I got to the counter and asked for a glass of water. I was drinking it when I saw Macy going towards Zaid. Bitch. She got to him and started flirting with him touching his chest or shoulder. I'm literally going to kill her. Wait what's that feeling. I don't know but I really don't like her.
She whispered something in his ears and he nodded after that they both got to the dance floor and started a couple dance.

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