But Orias was someone I didn't know that well.

...Or was he? Astaroth wouldn't leave me with a dangerous person and he certainly wouldn't be friends with him for hundreds of years. Orias was similar to the man I loved. The only question was: 'How much?'

Soon enough, he was back. My breathing turned quick and uneven as I watched him hunch over the dead body, probably to concentrate on a dark magic spell. Almost involuntarily, my eyes focused on his physique. He too wasn't bulky like Mr. Stanwood. His body type resembled Astaroth's: slim yet muscular.

Oh, shut up, brain! You chose the right time to be shallow!

My gaze moved to his face. I always remembered his expression as a bit more elegant than Astaroth's. He usually appeared calm, even merry. However, I couldn't really tell if there was true joy there. At times, his face would look like an unsmiling mask.

This is one of those times.

For some reason, his smiles looked a lot more sincere. Of course, none of them was normal. But that was perhaps a reason why I was so interested in him. I sensed that Orias could be a truly scary man.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't even realize that the corpse he'd been touching had already disappeared. Yet another wave of anxiety spread through me once the demon I'd been thinking of turned to face me.

Grinning cunningly, he raised himself on his feet and walked up to me. Without waiting for any kind of approval, he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me to him.

The next moment, we found ourselves in a dark chamber I didn't recognize. I was sure I'd remember the total absence of color on the walls, the floor and every piece of furniture. Everything was dyed in dark shades of grey. Quite lonely, I must admit.

"This is my room, as you may have guessed," Orias informed in a tone that resembled a public announcement. "Please, don't get too comfortable. I don't feel like sleeping just yet."

Did he mean...?

My mind was instantly filled with memories from the time when Astaroth and I had been together. It was kind of scary, and truly breathtaking and... something I wouldn't experience again. It all felt like a dream now.

"Tut-tut." Orias gracefully grabbed my chin and made me face him.

The faint scowl on his icy face somehow made him look even more dangerous than his friend. More vicious. And, perhaps, less considerate of my sensitivities. It was all part of his charm.

"Undress," he instructed.

No comments about my distraction. No small talk to ease the tension. Only demands for me to do as he pleased. I'd be lying if I claimed that I disliked it. Nothing but my embarrassment kept me from obeying right away.

"Don't make me repeat myself," he warned, his scowl getting even deeper. "Undress."

But hadn't he seen me naked already? He wouldn't want this if he didn't like my body.

I hurriedly removed my shoes and socks and, much less eagerly, proceeded to remove my blouse and pants as well.

"You're not quite done," he commented then, noting my reluctance to remove my underwear.

I sighed and renewed my resolve. Keeping my eyes on his face, I reached behind to unclasp my bra and slowly let it fall to the floor. His cold, calculating demeanor remained unchanged as I slid down my panties as well and patiently waited for his next wish. My heart felt like it would burst as I stood stark naked before him.

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