Chapter :-21 I'm on my...

Start from the beginning

I opened my eyes and saw Shivam sir beneath me his jaw was clenched and his  breath was fanning my lips making me shiver.
We both were in same position when.

"Awww Xav honey look at them... they are so cute... let's click a picture" Samirya said.

"Ya... you are right love let me just grab camera.." he said.

I tried to lift my self up from him but me being the clumsy me. My hands slipped making me fall on his chest.

He snaked his hands around my waist to keep me in place. He stabled me and, click they just clicked our photo in this embrassing position.

He lifted me and himself of the ground. His hands were still on my waist and mine on his chest.

Samirya got a call and she left. He suddenly jerked me harshly away from him as my touch burns him. Giving me a disgusted look, he went to Xavier who had a neutral expression on his face.

Shivam's p.o.v

I went to the garden to clear my feeling.
When Amy called she's still with her parents and said it will take her time.
I am really missing her.

When I came back to mansion and was heading to my room, a small figure bumped in me, making me stumble, I fell down with the thing on top of me.

When I looked down, it was that bloody gold digger.

"Wait a second walls don't move then how am I on it..." she said.

"Because I'm not a fucking wall you blind bitch.." I said.

As i was about to push her Sam came there and  asked Xavier to click our photo. I don't know what she found fucking cute in this.

That ugly bitch was on me. She tried to lift her self up only to fall back, my hand clutched her waist tightly.

I lifted both of us she was still clinging to me, whereas I just wanted to push her back so badly.

I looked at Xavier who had a grin on his face, idiot.

I stormed to my room Xavier followed me.

"Xavier delete that photo now!"

"Why should I look you both look so cute in it awww..." he said in a girly voice mimicking Sam.

"Xav you are an asshole..." I gritted.

"So you aree..." he replied back.

"Just fucking do it..." I yelled at him.

"I didn't know you stared loving that leech... you never told me I'm hurt mate..." he said faking hurt.

"No... I don't love her I fucking hate that whore... it's just an act... I think you are again charmed by her innocent act, don't tell me you started thinking of her as your younger sister again even after what she did." I said.

His playful expression changed into serious one.

"No mate I was wrong I thought her as my younger sister but, she betrayed me with that brother of her's, I'm never going to trust her again" he said sounding hurt his eyes were sad. He really thought her as sister and that bloddy gold digger betrayed him.

"Forget about that... you had a meeting how was that..." he asked again in his playful mood.

"It was awesome..." we continued talking on random stuff.

Radhika's p.o.v

After morning incident I was embarrassed to even face Samirya. Whenever I look at her she will always wink at me or tease me.

Both of them had day off and they were busy talking. Sam was in kitchen trying to help me, I asked her to rest but she was just like her brother, she was damm adamant on helping me, so here we are in kitchen and she is helping me in making salad with her hand which is not injured.

Shivam sir and Xavier entered kitchen, Xavier snatched the bowl from her hands and Shivam sir grabbed my elbow in his powerful grip.

"What are you here for if my sister has to do work bitch.." he said in hushed voice.

"But... I.. wa..." I said when his hand stooped me from saying further.

Xavier took her out even after her whining. He came back and lashed on Radhika.

"How can you allow her to work, in this state of you wanted help you could have asked us, we would have helped you."

"But... I... to... told... her... no.. not... to..." she said in trembling voice, thinking what happend to that playful Xavier.

"Just stop talking and continue your work" this time it was Shivam.

They left the kitchen and she prepared lunch for them. After lunch all of them went to there respective room.

When she entered her room Shivam pinned her to the wall.

"Why the hell was my  sister was doing work, you again forgetted your bloody place. Do I have to remind you again" he asked  in dangerous tone.

His body was towering above her making her feel nervous and weak. She was only able to nod her head in no.

"That's what I expected" he said and pushed her on ground.

"That's the place where you belong, whore just because I'm not punishing you here doesn't mean I can never punish you... so better remember this next time." He said and stormed out of the room.

She stayed there for sometime absorbing the fact, what just happend, whenever she thinks things are getting in place they stared falling again.

She went near the couch and slept there. She woke up when she felt immense pain in her stomach.

She somehow manged to go to washroom. She then noticed that she had her periods.

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