Chapter 3: The Breakup

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"What??" I said a little too harshly to her but I knew what she was gonna say next. "Are you forgetting something?" Courtney said as she lifted up my left hand with the intention to show me my ring but my ring finger stood bare and she looked at me and put her hand over her mouth.

"Ari, you're engaged, you have a fiancé, you're getting married-" I cut her off "okay yeah I get it. Look I know but Courtney you don't understand I've never been this happy with someone ever, she's the piece I've been missing, I can finally be myself" Courtney gave me a sympathetic look and then pulled me in for a hug which I immediately relaxed into.

Courtney really was my best friend and I could never lose her. "Look ari, I don't care who you date as long as your happy but you know how bad this will look, you have to end it with Pete and give it at least a few weeks before you can go public with Y/N because you saw how it turned out with Mac and pete, it looked like you cheated."

She was right but that's not what I wanted to happen, I wanted to tell the whole world that Y/N was mine and show her off but I couldn't, my label would never allow it, then it hit me, I did cheat on pete. I just nodded to Courtney and she just pulled me into another hug and kissed my head and she was gone. I needed to end things with Pete and there is no better time that the present.

I took my phone out of my back pocket to see I had a missed call from him anyway, I sighed as I ran my hand through my hair, I ran into Y/N and told her I just had to take a quick call and she could start the movie she said she would wait and just as I was about to kiss her my phone started to ring.

"Fuck" I muttered under my breath, her hands fell from my waist as I turned around and went out to the kitchen.
The cutie who dreams☁️ is calling....
Hey babe, how are you?
I'm good, how's Syracuse, how's the movie going?
Yeah it's going really well, Colton jumped off this really big car and broke his foot. We went out that night to make him feel better, it was an amazing week. How's New York?
It's good, I just finished a new song yesterday. There's something I need to tell to-
I need to say something as well
Last night when we were out taking care of Colton and there was this girl and she came up to me, asking me could she have my number but I said I had a fiancée. Then she kissed me, I tried to stop her baby, I swear
Did you sleep with her?
Pete? Did you sleep with the girl?
Yes baby
Don't 'baby' me, we are over, don't try contact me again, take your fucking ring back, you and that bitch deserve eachother. Don't come home.
Don't Pete, it's over, I can't deal with this right now, I should of known. Thanks for wasting my time for the last few months.
*call ended*
He cheated on me. Well i did cheat on him so I guess it worked out better for me now I can be with Y/n  and not have the publicity of me cheating.

Don't get me wrong Pete treated me like a queen and I was really happy for the first months but slowly things faded and this was gonna happen eventually, we spent so much time apart that I knew one of us would I just never thought it would be me.

I went back into the living room to find Y/n on the sofa on her phone laughing to herself, with Toulouse laying across her.

My heart fluttered at the sight in front of me and I began to tear up, the love I have for this girl is unimaginable. I walked up behind Y/n and wrapped my arms around her neck from behind and put my lips against her her and whispered "hey baby".

Her breath hitched slightly, I was glad I had an effect on her the same way she had one on me. "Hey" She said quietly and I walked around and sat down beside her.

"What was your phone call about?" She asked genuinely interested even though she had no idea I just ended it with Pete.

"It was Pete" she looked down and her legs that were crossed and started playing with her fingers "oh".

"I ended it" she looked up at me and said "really?" I just smiled and said "turns out he cheated on me so I ended it before I told him about us so I guess it's easier for me" I said as I shrugged my shoulders and turned to sit like she was so we were facing eachother.

"I'm sorry he cheated on you, he obviously didn't realize how lucky he is I mean was. I'd never cheat" she said as she looked at me with so much love.

"I know you wouldn't and neither would I, I love you" I said scared for her reply. She took one of my hands in hers and said "I love you too, ariana so much" as she traced the tattoos on my fingers.

I smiled and kissed her forehead and she looked up and leaned in making the moment last longer. She leaned in and I could feel her hot breath against my lips as se placed a hand to the back of my neck and eventually gave in and connected our lips together.

We lay together on the sofa for the rest of the evening watching Harry Potter and eating popcorn and red vines. I've never felt so safe and loved than when I'm in Y/N's arms. I don't want to ever lose this feeling.

Borderline (Ariana/you)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat