Chapter 87: Freed

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This chapter contains vulgar language.

Be prepared!


Yours ears peaked, eyes widening as you recalled what the smiley killer had said: he'll free your friends... he will free them?! Did you just hear this correctly? Was your mind playing tricks on you again or did the mighty Jeff the killer really agree to free your friends?

You had written a whole letter in your mind, begging him, seducing him and talking him into freeing your friends...

Is this the sound of sweet surrender?

Your lips parted with a gasp, eyes watering as an overflowing of emotions were storming in... But when you watched his dark face, devoid of any other emotion than rage you focused again. He said he would free your friends...

Merely so that you would obey him?

Isn't that way too easy? Isn't it way too soon and for a way too low price?

Your eyes rested on the man, looking him up and down in order to read his behavior a little more. You didn't get far, aside from the fact that he was riled up. Completely full of agitation at the daring proposal you had done.

You wondered if it would be a trap again, like the one Masky had set up. Making you believe that you had achieved the impossible... And eventually crushing the contract before your own two eyes. You wondered if by 'setting them free' Jeff meant killing them off so that no one who could light the fire was near you anymore.

You wondered if...

You took a deep sigh, preparing yourself to counter his twists in words:

"I mean free, Jeff... not dead, not disposed of..." He watched you with disgust as you continued, the corners of his bloody mouth seemed to lower even more by each word you spoke... For as far that was possible.

The sight was one so unusual.

"I want to see them walking out of here. I want them to be escorted home safely and then..." You paused trying to form the sentence as build in as possible in your head. You needed to cover every single hole in order for this to work.

Jeff grunted, clearly despising the idea... But at the same time, he was in a split because somehow you're something to him.

Somehow, he even considered this idea, all this trouble... Merely for you.

"I want them to be left alone." You glanced up at the killer, your cheek was still stinging like crazy, but the burning sensation only fueled the one inside of you even more. This was the time to try it, this was the only chance of ever getting them out.

Should this fail... Then you have no idea what you would do.

Could you live with yourself, knowing that your friends were rotting, being tortured in the exact same house while having completely given up?

You didn't know.

You hoped that this would be enough. That by saying all this, elaborating it as clear as possible, you had protected your friends so that he couldn't find any loophole in your demands. Imagine... You'd see him grinning over the bodies of your friends, telling you that he had escorted them safely but killed them afterwards.

"I said that I'd free them." He growled lowly, sucking in portions of air in between his clenched teeth.

You weren't satisfied.

Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRoseWhere stories live. Discover now