Chapter 45: At last you're here

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This chapter contains vulgar language, Be prepared!


Your mouth formed onto one line as soon as you had heard that familiar voice. Your gaze shifted towards a person standing in front of a table at the end of the room. His back was facing you, but you didn't even need to think of who it could be.


Your felt your stomach turning because of the nerves, the sweat slowly forming on your forehead and while you were cold moments ago, you felt the heat rushing through your veins. This was it; this was your chance now. The only thing you need to do was to look confident and bribe them.

Your throat felt as if you had swallowed glass and your breathing became heavier with each second. You glared at the masked man, whose back was still facing you. It seemed as if he was studying something, something even more important than you and the code you had brought with you.

"Would you look at this, Brian, the idiots thought they could outsmart us." Your eyes shifted from the masked man towards the hooded man, before you slowly took one step to the side. You were wondering what he was talking about and above all if he noticed you.

Hoodie brushed past you, walking over to the table quickly and stopping right in front of it. You saw him crossing his arms, his hood pointing down as if he too was studying whatever was lying on the table. With a heavy heart you took another step, the little bulb hanging from the ceiling not giving you enough light to make out what they were looking at.

You saw that it was big however.

You heard a horrible sound as Hoodie raised his hand and then dug it down onto the table again. It was a squeezing, disgusting noise and when you took one last step you saw what was on the table. You immediately turned your head as you had caught a glimpse of a white lab coat, stained with blood.

He was digging into his stomach, his organs. You couldn't help but to breathe loudly, swallowing a few times and concentrating on the ceiling in order not to throw up right here. Just don't think about it, it is of no importance right now. You needed to be brave, to look confident. Just keep that in mind.

"Let's research this later." Hoodie eventually spoke and you were now turning your head back towards the two. You had to prevent yourself from peeking, looking whoever was lying on that table and if he or she would be still alive. You guessed not.

"Oh, that's right; the little dog has finally arrived. How's your life with Jeff?" You only glared at the masked man, who was playing with a hammer in his hands. You had no idea why he would always have that hammer with him when you're here, but you guessed it wasn't to fix nails.

"Aw, what's the matter? You're tired? Lying on your back all day is indeed quite exhausting. You must be real sore down there." A small gasp escaped your throat when he had spoken those words. Ouch... That one stung. It hurts really badly. Why did he have to bring that painful memory up? You wanted nothing more than to forget, yet he was testing you. Trying to lure you out of your shell and get some kind of reaction.

But you wouldn't give in. You had a mission and that mission was more important than your own pride. Also how did he know of it? You weren't actually surprised though, why in the world would Jeff keep you otherwise? Or any killers their pet for that matter? Simply for their satisfaction.

You couldn't even look at Masky anymore as you averted your gaze. The hate boiling inside of your body for the masked man grew with every word he spoke. Why couldn't this whole ordeal be over? Why couldn't he just ask you the code and go on with it? Why did he have to stab you in your heart?

Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRoseWhere stories live. Discover now