Chapter 47: oh MY AN USual event

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This chapter contains my anus, Be prepared!


Your breathing hitched immediately, only a high, soft squeak came from your mouth as you heard the familiar click. The 'click' sound heard when something opens, when you've got the right code. The sound heard when you've finally retrieved something important.

Or it was the click sound of something else. You hadn't noticed but you suddenly heard footsteps. Turning your head immediately into the direction of the door you saw none other than your worst nightmare entering...


A gasp escaped your throat as he slammed the door shut. Both Masky and Hoodie were breathlessly looking at Jeff too. His lidless orbs focused on your small frame before he stomped closer. You knew that he had seen the wounds on your face, that he knows you had been hurt by one of these guys.

You expected him to become angry with you, to shout but he only walked closer. Then when he stood in front of you... He kneeled.

Then he pulled out a small, black box from the pocket of his pants. He opened the box to reveal a shiny and beautiful diamond ring.

"Dear (Y/N), I'm sorry for everything. I love you so fucking much that I want to marry you, I just can't live without you. I haven't figured it out yet but... I loved you. I did this all because I love you. Will you marry me?" Your eyes widened as your breathing became heavy. Was this guy really serious?

Was this some kind of cruel and sick joke? Was he actually doing this to provoke you or was this all a show for Masky and Hoodie? Your eyes travelled towards the masked man and towards the hooded man, both standing probably in shock because of what was happening. You didn't understand either...

What you did understand is that you actually also had feelings for him... No...

You loved him.

"Yes... Yes Jeff I do want to marry you!" You cried loudly, forgetting about your broken and battered body and jumping right into his arms. He hugged you, dragging you up and walking out of the room with you. Outside you kissed each other for the first time. It felt good.

You lived happily ever after in Slender mansion. You got 4 kids, which were all Creepypasta's and all were born with a smile carved into their faces. You spend your time baking waffles with Toby. Masky and Hoodie weren't all this mean and weird, it was all for the show. They were actually pretty nice and they loved cheesecake.

You went through life as (Y/N) the killer, wife of Jeff... Being completely happy and brainwashed.

And as for your friends...

Wait, who?


Well guys you needed an update soooooooo desperately, so here's the update!

How do you like my new ending? I'm actually done with this story so yeah, decided to end it a little quicker. I'm sorry I haven't given the children names, but that for you to decided!


No seriously people, this is not the 'real' update (no shit, Sherlock!) however this is some sort of wake up call. I always wanted to do such thing xD

Anyway The next chapter IS the real update... However then again not... Let me explain:

I've promised a decision chapter, which will definitely come... TOMORROW! Next chapter I'll explain why and how and everything just hang on tight for a little while.

I know I've promised the next chapters within two weeks however the whole thing with Deviantart (if you don't know, take a look at my activities, then you'll know) came in between it. That took me really, really long to fix. When I was done with it and continued on writing, something regarding my work came in between, resulting in me working nearly every day. This and something other (you'll see what once I've posted the whole update tomorrow) caused the extreme delay.

Now I've posted an activity telling I would be late and why, which I got so much positive feedback on, which is so great. All of you guys are awesome.

However some people failed to see that activity (I don't blame them entirely, if you only heart the story then you don't know). It's not a problem if you point out that I'm too late, however have I ever been late before? NO. Yes, on the edge sometimes, but never really late.

If I am late like this (more than a couple of days or a week) please check my activity, because there is probably something going on. It prevents a whole lot of irritation for yourself and questions, so next time you'll know what to do. It's not rocking science, it's common sense.

Anyway, onward to the real update!

Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRoseWhere stories live. Discover now