Chapter 76: The Reason

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This chapter contains vulgar language and slight gore, be prepared!


A throbbing headache was the first thing you noticed when you awoke from your deep slumber. Not that it was anything new. The last few days your pounding head was the only thing you woke up to... That and some other unwanted surprises.

Groaning slightly, you tried to roll over but stopped when you noticed you were stuck. Stuck in between someone's body and the wall in front of you.

Immediately knowing who it was you stopped dead in your tracks. You felt an arm, which was wrapped around your waist, his nose pressed against your head as his warm breath was felt in at the back of your neck. It gave you extreme goosebumps.

But it wasn't the thought of the person who gave you these...

It was his behaviour.

He never, never slept so close to you... Or even got so close to you unless he wanted something. He always remained out of your aura, not wanting to touch you other than when threatening you, abusing you, or something along those lines.

But not now.

He was holding you in a rather tight grip, afraid that you might slip out of his grasp any time now. You really felt like you would... You didn't feel as safe as you felt before, being dragged out of the only room which came even remotely close to a safe haven. Now you were completely back at page one, finding your own way and figuring out who to watch your back for.

It was rather funny now you think about it.

Feeling Jeff's strong arm wrapped around you sickened you to the bone when you had first met him. He was the sum of everything you hated, of everything you utterly despised. He was the root of your nightmares, an oozing sore of depravity...

And now there was no one you felt safer with.

He had protected you countless of times, nearly tugging you out of the grasps of other killers. He had been showing you mercy, hatred and everything that came along with it. He had made you feel emotions you had never even thought you could feel.

The worst part of it all was that you felt completely disgusted with yourself. Filthy, foul... How wrong it felt... How gross it felt that you began to link the man who started this nightmare with something positive. That you somehow got so bend in the mind that you even began to... Like him.

How poisonous those words sounded when associated with that vulgar, merciless killer. How could you let go of everything you stand for, of everything you fought for? With no morals or principles left you had become a lifeless toy, a handmade puppet.

He was pure venom, pure toxic and it had invaded your body slowly. Creeping through your veins while you were busy running for your life, busy thinking about your friends and ways to escape. Not being able to counteract, completely delivered to his attacks...

And it had struck you.

The only ray of hope... The only thing which dragged your mind back to where it belonged was the burning sensation at the pit of your stomach. The shockwave felt through your heart when you would see the hunger in his eyes.

Your anger and fear for him.

Even though your hormones were working overtime and your mind was on holiday you still feared him... You were still angered by him. You could never forgive him. Only that simple thought, that small voice in the back of your head was enough for you to push through.

Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRoseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora