Chapter 6: Not again!

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You woke up from the sound of your alarm clock. It was screaming for you to touch it and put it out of its misery. You obeyed and then sat up straight in bed. Seeing the small strands of light shining through your curtains.

You slowly rubbed your eyes while you yawned, stretching your limbs and getting used to the early morning wake up. You kicked off the sheets before you shuffled over to your closet. You opened it, took some clothes out of it and then went over to the bathroom.

Once you were fully done there and all prepared to go to school you walked downstairs, greeting your dad who sat at the table, reading the newspaper.

"Hey honey, did you sleep well?" He asked while glancing over the paper. "Yes, I did." You lied, quickly grabbing some toast and shoved it into your mouth, along with something to drink. He didn't need to know the truth, it'll only make him worry. You then grabbed your backpack as you said goodbye to your dad.

Your mom was already waiting in the car, your school was far from your hometown remember? That is why you had to get up extra early. Your mother wanted to bring you and pick you up until you were ready to go back to that godforsaken house.

When you had closed the door behind you, you remembered.

You forgot your phone on the nightstand. You mentally slapped yourself because of your stupidity. You never forgot your phone like that, but since this whole week wasn't normal, you blamed it on the accident.

Because you were already a tad late you decided against going back in and grabbing the phone. It wasn't really of importance right now.

You jumped into the car and your mom drove off.

Once you arrived at the school you couldn't help but to feel the tension filling your body. You knew you were about to get tons and tons of questions fired your way. There was bound to be someone who watched the news. Then again it wasn't that hard to know about it, the story of the 'three missing girls together with three survivors' was all over the newspapers and television.

You gave your mom a quick kiss on her cheek and then left the car, tumbling into the hellhole known as 'school'. You walked over to the front door and then nearly sprinted inside, noticing the concerned glares and eyes of the students on you.

You only rolled your own eyes before walking over to your locker and opening it. However it was then someone tapped you on the shoulder and you turned.

"Hey, I saw it on the news, what happened?" It was Kaitlynn, waiting for a reply while her hands rested on her hips. Even though you had no arguments with this girl, or didn't hate her with all you've got, you were still reluctant to tell her. She's probably asking you just because she wants to know and tell it to other people.

"If you saw it on the news then you already know everything. I don't really want to talk about it." You replied, trying to be as nice as possible. Kaitlynn only nodded and then crossed her arms.

"I didn't want to be rude. I am sorry for the loss." You flinched when she said that. The thought of Farah, Mandy and Lola was flowing through your head. The screams slowly started to come up again. You quickly slammed your locker shut to set your focus on something else.

"Thank you." You said while brushing past her, quickly walking over to your classroom. There you saw Rayne, talking to a group of people. When you came into her sight she stopped talking and only smiled.

Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRoseWhere stories live. Discover now