Chapter 38: What do you want?

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This chapter contains vulgar language, Be prepared!


You were staring out of the window from the comfortable place on the bed. You had covered yourself with the sheets as the moonlight caressed your cheek; you were still waiting for Jeff to come back from his trip. Well, you weren't exactly waiting for him, but any distraction was welcome now.

You had collapsed against the wall, crying and feeling disgusted, scared and totally exhausted. You didn't care if anyone would hear you, you didn't care if Jeff would come back and would see you like this. After a while of sorrow, you decided to continue on under the warm blankets of the bed. You were so extremely tired, but couldn't find sleep at all.

Everything seemed so pointless now. As if whatever you decided to do was completely useless. You felt powerless. You hadn't seen your friends and with every second passing you began to doubt if they indeed were still alive. You wanted to know, you wanted to get out there and search for them...

But what point was there to it? For all you know they could've been killed a long time ago, for all you know they could be held anywhere in this gigantic mansion. For all you know, everything which keeps you walking, which keeps you determined to get out of here... Is gone.

This uncertainty is killing you and it was constantly crawling its way back up into your mind, keeping you occupied with thinking every scenario through. It was horrible but above all completely draining you from any energy you had left.

After the chase and fight with Jeff, dark thoughts began to cloud your judgment, making you think things which you had never even thought of before. You knew you were slowly slipping away, being surrounded by darkness and dread fueled your fears and worries even more.

The shadow creatures were engulfing you in their blanket of depression and the light which you were reaching for slowly faded away little by little. You knew damn well what that light was representing.


What if your friends are dead? What are you going to do then? Still try to escape? But for what purpose? You'd rather die than to live on together with the killer of your loved ones, you'd rather throw yourself into the arms of the devil instead of staying here one more minute when your friends would be gone.

Oh god, your friends. You missed them. You missed them so fucking much.

You really wanted to go now, search the basements for those girls and above all give Lola a proper grave. She didn't deserve to die like that and she absolutely didn't deserve to rest like that, her body being shattered across the floor while her soul is denied permission to go to the afterlife.

Your gaze shifted from the window towards the door. Jeff had locked it behind him of course after he had left so suddenly. He isn't stupid and he knows that you will always try to escape. Oh, how lovely that word sounds... Escape.

Escape from this hellhole, escape from this life and escape from Jeff.

Right at that moment you were rudely interrupted by a tingling sound. A key was inserted into the keyhole and unlocking the door. Damnit, Jeff was back. You kept your gaze locked on the door as it slowly opened. Your eyes then immediately met Jeff's lidless ones as he almost silently stepped inside.

What would he think when seeing you like this? Man, I did a good job? I feel bad for her? You couldn't read it, because he showed no emotions. His hoody was stained with fresh blood, the red liquid glistening in the moonlight just like his knife was.

Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRoseWhere stories live. Discover now