Chapter 57: The ultimate decision

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This chapter contains vulgar language and spiritual themes, nothing written here can be interpreted as the ultimate truth! be prepared!


You only stared in amazement and confusion, still wondering if the darkness would suddenly pop up again. Was this what Lola had warned you for? Was this the thing which was coming to get you? Then why, so suddenly, did it disappear?

Your heavy breathing had snapped you out of your thoughts as you quickly took a look around. In front of you was whiteness. You turned around, standing on hands and knees and looking straight at more whiteness. However when you looked to the right you saw something more than the white surrounding you've come accustomed to.

You saw a bright, warm and extremely comfortable light. It filled your heart up with unknown joy, and you even forgot about your racing heartbeat for a few seconds. It felt as if you were under a spell, being lured towards the warm light like sailors were lured into the sea by sirens.

A song sung so beautifully, it was almost too good to be true.

You managed to get yourself out of your trance, shaking your head and snapping towards the left. There you saw something darker. Something more uncomfortable. It wasn't entirely dark like the darkness you had seen before, like the darkness which was chasing you.

But it came close.

Even by looking at it you could feel the pain returning to your bones, to your head... Spreading itself like germs through your whole body. You became thirsty, hungry, sad and afraid... But you also became some sort of content... Determined...

You again snapped your head to the right, letting the warm light caressing your cheek and skin. There the pain immediately faded away only making place for pure happiness, purejoy. You couldn't help but to smile at it, wanting to grab some of the light.

A soft gasp escaped your throat when you recalled what Lola had said:

"It's your decision to make... But please... Think of what you must do... However know that whatever you'll choose, I'll be right behind you."

Was this was Lola meant by decision?

You slowly stood up, getting on your weak legs as you continuously snapped your head from left to right and back. It slowly came to you what you must do, what Lola wanted you to do. This was a decision to make, however you already knew what the outcomes would be.

It was a decision many will never get in their life, yet you are somehow special, you are chosen. You knew exactly what both portals stood for, where they would lead. You turned your head towards the place right in front of you.

That was a no go. If you keep walking to the front, ignoring both portals then you would stay here. Running from whatever Lola was warning you about. Maybe being able to outrun it, maybe not. But the fact would be that you would stay here, stay in limbo.

For as long as you would last.

That was NOT an option. You wanted to get out of here.

You took a glance over your shoulder, to the way you came. That also wasn't an option. What if the blackness comes back? What is here to gain?

Now only two options left...

You knew where both would lead; you knew what you wanted... What you needed... But you didn't know what you needed to do.

The black portal felt cold and warm at the same time. You felt pained and happy, tired, exhausted but powerful... You felt happiness, sadness and every other emotion you could feel... But the thing was you could feel. It wasn't darkness or hell, it was reality.

It was your ticket back to the real world, to the living world where you belonged.

You felt... Alive.

The other portal consisted of only the good emotions and feelings. Happiness, joy, warmth, comfort and so on. Everything you wanted was there, everything you needed was there. The final conclusion, the thing you had wanted for these past weeks you had spent with Jeff.

The afterlife.

It was all within an arm's reach.

But there was something off... These feelings didn't feel legit. They felt awesome, they felt good... But they didn't feel real. As if they were merely a placebo for the real thing, for what you felt when you were happy in the real world. Though that wouldn't stop you from going towards it.

The only things stopping you were Lola's words.

If you listened to your heart correctly then she wanted you to go back, dash straight through the darker portal in order to get back to where you belong... But for what purpose? For Jeff? For your friends who you're almost certain they're dead?


You didn't know why Lola would want you to go back, why she nearly pushed you back to life. Does she know that it will get better? After all, what good would it do you if you'd stay alive only to be murdered a few days after thanks to a certain killer?

You had no idea, but your doubt was winning from your curiosity. You didn't want to go back! You had risked your life for freedom and were totally content with the fact that you could die trying. Then why had you been saved?

Why, out of all people, were you the one going to limbo and given this decision?

You knew that there was little time to figure out all of these questions. You may or may not ever get answers but thinking like this only caused your head to tumble deeper into the uncertainty. You had to make a decision now.

Follow your own desires and change your destiny?

Or follow the path you must follow?

To the right Taken. (Look at the side menu for right)

To the left. Taken. (Look at the side menu for left)

Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRoseWhere stories live. Discover now