Chapter 56: Limbo

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This chapter contains vulgar language and spiritual themes, nothing written here can be interpreted as the ultimate truth! be prepared!


"You're strong, (Y/N), you'll make it." Of course you should've known. Of course you recognized the voice. How could you possibly forget? This was the girl by whom it all started. Her actions and her family have caused this curse onto you...

Yet it didn't feel right to think that way.

Lola was your friend and you loved her with your whole heart. She was kind, cheerful and above all... She was your friend... You couldn't even think of blaming her for all this mess, not after what had happened to her. The voice hadn't answered your questions, but you knew it was her.

All the thoughts of before came washing back to you, all the sadness, misery and emptiness felt when Lola had died suddenly filled your body. This wasn't just some dream was it? Lola was really talking to you, was she? Were you hallucinating?

This whole time?

Every single second of every single day living with that monster you had thought of her, grieving for her soul and unfair death. The only ray of light was the thought of her being in heaven, in a place where she wouldn't need to go through the whole ordeal you were going through.

Was she even in heaven? Is Lola also in limbo because it wasn't her time?

"Lola..." You began, whispering her name breathlessly while thinking of what to say. You had so many thoughts, so many questions yet no one seemed to be making it to your lips. You had no idea what you were meant to feel right now:

Sadness, asking Lola for forgiveness for several things... Like never burying her body, being unable to save her... Telling those fools where the box was...

Happiness because now you could see Lola again, you could finally talk to her, hear her soothing voice telling you that it was all okay. That she indeed is in a better place.

Confusion because you had no idea what was going on. She was here... Yet you couldn't see her. You had a decision to make, but had no idea what the decision could be.

"Time is ticking by, (Y/N). There is not much left before it comes to get you." Her voice ripped you from your thoughts as you stared at nothing. What was coming to get you? What are you supposed to do now?

"What must I do?" Suddenly you felt your limbs getting heavy. The whole feeling of nothingness replaced itself with a heavier feeling... It replaced itself with a more human feeling. It wasn't entirely what you were used to, but it came closer than the 'floating around' feeling.

Your body moved onto its own accord, your feet heavier than your rump and head were, making you tumble forwards slightly. Afraid of what was about to come, you let out a loud gasp, trying to keep floating or whatever you were doing before.

Then you felt something hard underneath yourself, underneath your feet. You looked down, but you only saw whiteness. However this whiteness was solid, it was hard. Once your body completely stood stable on the white ground you looked around.

Everything seemed the same, though you could move into a random direction. However you weren't really sure of what the whole purpose of this all was. You were floating and now you're walking, but where to exactly? There is nothing there, except for pure whiteness.

"Hurry, (Y/N), I can't hold much longer." A small bell began to ring in your ear as you heard Lola speaking. Can't hold much longer? What was she meaning? You quickly turned, looking at every possible angle in order to catch a glimpse of the girl.

Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRoseDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora