Chapter 50: Stay with me... Sandy

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This chapter contains vulgar language, abuse and slight gore, Be prepared!


The cold concrete floor felt like heaven, it felt like you were lying on thousand pillows. The pain wasn't as worse as it is when you would be standing but you were sure you had cracked your head open on the floor. The whole room was spinning before your eyes and you weren't sure what was going on.

Why were you lying there?

You tried to get up, there was something that needed to be done, yet you weren't sure what it was. However you only stood up in your mind, your body not following your actions anymore. You needed to get up; you needed to hang on... But your body decided it had enough, it couldn't listen anymore.

With the last strength you had you turned your body, lying on your back and facing the guy standing above you. Heavy breathing was heard and you had trouble expanding your ribcage in order to suck in air. It really was at its limit, wasn't it?

You saw him looking down at you, probably wondering who the hell you were. However when he raised his hatchet you knew he didn't care about who you are. He only cared about killing, and he was about to end your life too.

You kept staring at him, still hoping you'd find the strength to roll away, and hoping that you would find some power in order to face this guy again... For what purpose exactly??

"Don't..." Your eyes shot open widely as you heard the familiar voice. The soft, comforting but sometimes irritating voice. You remembered it; you remembered who this voice belongs to... But most of all you remembered again what you were fighting for.

Your friends.

Your head shot up as you looked at the guy lurking above of you, his hatchet still raised into the air. Your body finally decided to comply, to move again. But it was too late to move out of the way. You tried protecting your face with your hands as you saw the hatchet coming closer and closer.

And then, suddenly, you saw another shadow looming over your body. Yet this time it wasn't the front, but the back which was facing you. A disgusting, slashing sound was heard followed by a high pitched gurgled groan. You didn't know what was going on.

Time went in slow-motion as you saw the silhouette of the person standing in front of you. Skinny, fairly short... Long hair...


You heard a loud, long scream echoing through the room, yet it seemed so far away. It was then you realized that the sound was coming from your mouth, being wide open as you slowly saw Sandy dropping to her knees before crashing onto the ground.

The guy with the hatchets still standing in front of her body and yours, staring down at the girl before his head rose into the air. Your eyes however followed Sandy's body, which was now lying motionlessly on the ground. You then focused on the guy still standing there, completely in shock and too frozen to move out of the way for his next attack.

However it never came. He only stood there, his head raised into the air... As if he was listening to something, to someone. It was then his eyes turned back to your scared frame, still lying there in shock. He then retreated his hatchets into the holsters on his hip, before walking over to the door.

Your expression turned from horrified to confused as you followed his every movement. He was walking towards the door... Why? What was happening? Was he going to lock you up in here? Is he just going to walk away? Maybe he thinks you're dead?

Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRoseWhere stories live. Discover now