Chapter 27: Let's talk.

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This chapter contains vulgar language, Be prepared!


You only stared at the small drips of rain clashing against the window in front of you. The moonlight reflected onto your skin, making it seem as if you were glowing. Your hand was pressed tightly against the glass, as if it was desperately searching for freedom.

You had no idea what date it was, you had lost track of time long ago. You gave a loud sigh as your finger traced one of the falling drops. Jeff wasn't here; he was probably still out doing his favorite hobby and robbing yet another family of their lives.

You honestly couldn't care anymore what he had done, not after what you had seen. You missed Lola immensely, especially since you knew you would never see her again. This also made you think: what happened to your other friends? Are they still alive?

You had no clue, and to be honest you were scared to find out. It'll probably be the bad ending anyway, and that would cause you a lot of harm and pain. You had been broken when you saw Lola's death body; your soul had shattered in thousand pieces...

But now you felt nothing but anger, nothing but determination. It was as if you somehow found the strength to move on. The strength to gather all the pieces and patiently began to sew them back together. You didn't particularly do it for yourself, because then you would've already grabbed a knife and ended your life...

It was because of Lola, because of all your other friends that you kept on moving. You knew Lola wouldn't want you to be depressed and stop breathing, no. She wasn't that kind of person. You somehow knew she would haunt you even more when you would do that.

Instead you needed to pick yourself up and search for the other girls and somehow get them out of this hellhole. If you were the only one treated 'this' way then you are the one who should try. You had to be the one who would save them. You would be their hero.

However this meant that you needed to confront Jeff. That you needed to tell him the truth even though it'll probably end badly. You were absolutely done with this, you've had enough. You wanted... No, you needed answers and the only way to get those was to be brave.

You needed a good smack at your head for even thinking of ever angering him again considering what he had shown you before. You actually had to be incredibly stupid to even think of going up against him after what punishment he gave you.

But somehow you knew that there was no way anything he could do would be worse than what you had just seen. You knew that it was the limit, it was your limit.

Besides the fact that it might not be such a great idea to confront him, you also had no idea whether you had the guts to, whether you could talk boldly to Jeff when he would storm straight through that door. But you had to, for Lola's sake, for the sake of your other friends.

As if on cue you heard a key unlocking the door, and your whole body immediately tensed from the sudden sound. The door swung open with force, his black combat boots clashing against the ground with authority. He wasn't happy, alright.

"I told you to stay in bed." He growled under his breath, his tough frame standing in the opening of the door whilst his knife was dangling in between his fingers. You turned around a little, glaring at him with determination and hatred before answering:

"I need to talk to you." You felt your legs shaking underneath you as you desperately tried to keep them under control. Your heartbeat was felt in your throat, which was as dry as could be. You just hoped he didn't see these small signs of weakness.

Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRoseWhere stories live. Discover now