Chapter 26: I love you... Lola

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This chapter contains vulgar language and gore. Be prepared!


When you finally dared to look you wished you had never ever opened your eyes. A yelp of shock escaped your throat as you saw what was lying in front of you. Pure horror. The blood immediately retreated from your face as your stomach did somersaults. The cause of the smell was disgusting, unbelievable but above all heartbreaking.

Your friend was indeed in this room.

But she was dead.


You immediately covered your mouth as you saw the remains of a curly brown haired girl lying in front of you. Dried up blood covering the floor and some of her bones clearly shown because of the decomposition state her body was in.

Even though she was deformed, even though she was barely recognizable, you immediately knew who she was and it stung in your heart so badly.


You crashed onto your knees, your gaze still focused on her heavily mutilated body. At that mere moment you didn't feel anything but heavy pain. By the looks of it, she must've been dead for a long time, considering the maggots were filling her empty sockets.

You clenched your hand even tighter against your mouth, your eyes never leaving her dead form. All the emotions felt earlier crashed down your last line of defense and came out all together. The anger the hurt, the fear. But above all you felt extremely dull.

You only stared at her unmoving body, while mentally gagging and hoping that she would jump up, telling you that this was all a really good sick joke to scare you for that time you had scared her with a spider. But she wouldn't.

She wouldn't wake up.

"What a beautiful sight, isn't it?" Only by hearing this you felt the anger immediately returning to your body. He did this. He was the one the blame! You couldn't hold back anymore, your control was shattered just like Lola's body was.

Your eyesight became red, completely blinded by furiosity as you shot up on you feet. You crashed into Jeff's body, which didn't even move an inch. You slammed your fists against his toned chest roughly, the tears streaming over your cheeks while loud sobs escaped your throat. You hated him so much right now.

"You oozing sore of monstrosity! You piece of scum! You fucking monster! You- You- ..." You couldn't even finish your sentence as he only giggled at your weak and desperate attempt to make him feel even slightly guilty. You busted out in tears, your anger making place for pure sorrow and grieving.

You hated him so much right now; you despised this being with all you had... But you were filled with pain, filled with sadness. Your anger didn't even come close to what kind of pain you felt now. You slowly sunk onto your knees again while continuously sobbing.

The pain felt when you just realized one of your friends is dead was far worse than your anger for him.


Was really dead. She was gone, never coming back on this earth again. It all felt so unreal. Please... This must be a sick joke right? This couldn't be! Why?

You turned around, crawling on your hands and knees over to the remains of Lola's body. Of your friend's body. The blood was staining your hands and knees, but your gaze was fixed on your friend. On one of the few person who created a smile on your face.

Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRoseWhere stories live. Discover now