Chapter 69: A dream?

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This chapter contains vulgar language and shocking themes.

be prepared!


You gave a loud hiss as one of the bandages tightened around your arm. You had no idea that the wound would be hurting so badly, but judging at the size and depth, it was probably normal. When finished with the last bandage you gave a loud sigh, throwing your head back and wondering what to do next.

Well, there really wasn't anything you could do.

You've seen Rayne... That's something but... You had no idea how to continue on. You were stuck, extremely utterly stuck right now. You had no idea if the other girls were alive and well, but you couldn't go and look for them right?

It wasn't such a smart idea in this condition, but who knows how long you will last? You took a good look at yourself in the mirror, examining every single detail of your body. A feeling of exhaustion and depression washed over you as you noticed the state you were in.

Your body needed time to heal. All the reserves were down to zero, your body had little to no power left in order to get those wounds all fixed up again. Your resistance was so damaged that any infection would lead to a certain death...

If you didn't have one already.

Your eyes shifted towards your hand, which was carefully placed in the splint. You doubted that one would ever heal perfectly, if it would heal at all. However you still had one hand left, and it was probably more than enough right now.

More than enough to help you survive.

You couldn't help but to notice that the whole 'talk' with Jeff had done you some good. If you could call it that. It was nice but above all in your favor to know more about the killer, to have a small look inside his mind in order to predict him better.

He seemed really confused...

You shook your head, brushing your hand through your hair as you made your way towards the door. The wounds on your legs were doing better. Rayne was right when she said you needed a bath. Aside from the psychopath deciding to bathe with you, it really did do you some good.

Your hand reached for the handle, opening the door and switching off the light as you saw Jeff still laying there. However this time his eyes were dull, still... His chest was heaving up and down in an almost peaceful matter and you knew that he was sound asleep.

Probably extremely tired from all the talking.

You slowly walked over to your side of the bed, slipping in without waking the killer up. Not because you though it would be nice, but more because you were afraid of what he would do once you had woken him from his peaceful slumber.

You grabbed the covers and dug yourself underneath it. Shaking a little from the sudden chill creeping up your spine. Your eyes were tracing the small drops rolling off of the window. It was raining and storming rather roughly and you almost felt the cold seeping into your bones.

Closing your eyes you realized how tired you were, how much you craved some sleep.

It wasn't until long before you fell into a deep slumber.


"Lalala la laaa la." Clenching your eyes shut you heard a faint, soft sound. A melodic voice singing an unknown yet familiar song. It was the only sound heard, reverberating through your mind, through your soul.

"La la la la laaaa la." You shook your head, trying to get the sound out of your mind but you couldn't. Your eyes shot wide open, seeing that you were nowhere near Jeff's room. Instead you were lying on a cold, harsh and dark floor.

Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRoseWhere stories live. Discover now