Chapter 81: Taking back the fire

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This chapter contains vulgar language and slight gore. Be prepared!


Those were your last words before the unending silence filled the dark, cold room. You were still breathing heavily, sometimes interrupted by a loud hiccup. You hated it when you would cry like a little bitch. You hated it when you didn't have a grip on yourself and your emotions.

You hated it when you finally got answers, the answers you so desperately craved, which only created even more questions and ultimately chaos in your head.

It felt as if eternity passed by, as if you were stuck in this loop of hatred, fear, desperation and pure horror. With this revelation, all kinds of thoughts swept through your mind. The continues and chronic headache reminded you of its presence with every heartbeat and you could only think of the future.

If there even was a future.

Would they ever use that arsenal?

Your mind registered movement and your eyes slightly shifted to the side, to the place where the noise came from. Jeff cleared his throat, wanting to get your attention on him fully. But you refused to look at him.

"That's all I needed to know." His gruff voice wasn't filled with mockery, hatred or amusement like before. It was different now... More soothing... Calmer than you had ever heard. But you stubbornly kept looking at the ground, trying to hold on to your questions before they'd sink away.

You wanted... No... Needed to think.

You heard his footsteps echoing through the room, clashing loudly against the rotten wood as he made his way over to you. Keeping your sight on the floor you continued with your childish behavior, even as he stood right in front of you.

His cold hand went up to your face as you felt his leathery skin softly colliding with your cheek. You completely tensed up at his touch, wanting to take a step back but frozen to the ground. His face came closer to yours and out of reflex you clenched your eyes shut.

His wounded mouth rubbed against your cheek, followed by something slimy, which made its way up to your eye. It didn't take you long to realize what it was.

He was licking your fucking tears.

You wanted to pull back, but his hand had moved to grab your chin, keeping you steady in place. Moving your head down a little, his tongue disappeared from your face as you felt his breath fanning over your left ear.

"I'll be back soon." And with that he let go of your face, turning around quickly before walking over to the door. He stopped for a second, as if he wanted to say something more... As if he wanted to turn around and come clean.

Few seconds had passed before he continued to open the door without looking back, slamming it roughly behind him as you heard his footsteps fading.

Swallowing the lump in your throat you got what you wanted. Complete silence and peace. Some much needed space to think.

You decided to cast away Jeff's weird behavior, as it wasn't that uncommon for him. You had worse matters to think of and something inside of you told you that you didn't have much time left.

Out of sheer exhaustion you walked backwards, letting your body fall onto the bed while staring at the ceiling.

You needed to gather your thoughts, make some sort of connection again. Getting the puzzle pieces back in one place, so to see the whole picture.

Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRoseWhere stories live. Discover now