Chapter 2: An intruder?

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This chapter contains vulgar language. Be prepared!

Also, the decision chapters will be put out one after the other so use the side menu to choose. If it gets confusing I'm sure you guys will get the hang of it. I believe in you! 


You woke up from some loud noise downstairs. You opened your eyes but the darkness made it impossible to see anything. You huffed and turned when you heard two female voices. Probably Sandy and Lola coming back from their night out. You quickly took a glance at your clock and saw that it was 3:32 a.m.

You were always the one who woke up from that damned door, not because they would slam the door loudly, but also because your window was right below the front door. Even though it was annoying sometimes, you could always hear someone coming in and hear who it was.

You only sighed to yourself as you tried to get comfortable again but it was god damn hard. After a while you slowly drifted off into dreamland again, your mind going foggy.

It was then you heard a loud crash downstairs and your eyes immediately shot open. The dizziness and exhaustion was soon replaced with adrenaline as you heard this unusual event. Was it just a glass?

You waited in complete silence, wanting to hear laughs or loud over exaggerated yells from your friends. But instead there was complete silence. No screams, no yelling and above all no laughing.

You realized that you held your breath and let it escape your lungs as you felt cold sweat forming on your body. Your hands, which clamped the blanket in a tight grip, became moist and your heartbeat went faster within seconds.

After a few minutes of waiting in complete silence, the only thing noticeable your ragged breaths, you decided you check whether everything was okay downstairs. You swallowed the lump in your throat as you sat up and slowly stepped out of the bed. Carefully trying to find your way into the darkness and above all make not one single noise.

You took very small steps as you could feel the cold wooden floor colliding with your feet, walking over to the door before opening it and looking into the dark corridor. You walked over to the stairs and waited for a few seconds.

Still nothing, not one single sound.

You found this very peculiar. Did those girls fell asleep? Or worse, did one of them pass out? If that would be the case then why is the other also silent? It couldn't possibly be that they both passed out right?

You tried to think of every possible scenario in your head, to calm your own body and mind. But it was a lot harder than expected.

You swallowed again, the sound being extremely loud in your own ears. You slowly and carefully descend the wooden stairs, making sure to skip the steps which creak loudly when exposed to any form of weight heavier than 5 KG.

Once you were downstairs your heart began to beat even louder and faster and you were sure it would pop out of your chest if it continues this pace. You also stayed very quiet, waiting to hear whispers, concluding that they were quiet because they wanted to gossip.

You bit your lip, not wanting to hear the deadly silence which you heard all this time. Your ears peaked when you heard voices, whispers. You let out a loud sigh together with all the remaining tension in your body when you heard your friends talking quietly.

Your arms were slumped to your side as you rolled your eyes. They only wanted to gossip... Pff, couldn't they do that before the glass broke?

You turned on your heel to walk back to your room when you froze in place. You heard Sandy say something and then... An unknown, raspy voice.

Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRoseWhere stories live. Discover now