Chapter 55: Am I dead?

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This chapter contains vulgar language and slight gore, Be prepared!


"Hello?" You try again, hearing no other answer than your unending echoes. It was truly an empty place. An empty place from which you can't escape. You couldn't walk, you couldn't float elsewhere... You were just flying on the same spot for hours... Or days... You had no idea what time it was.

You didn't feel your body. You could move it to an extent but... That was all there is to it. This whole place didn't feel good... But it also didn't feel bad. It only felt so empty. Empty like the waiting room when having a doctor's appointment. You know it's your turn sooner or later but you never know when.

You gave a loud sigh as you only continued to watch into the whiteness. You still had your consciousness, which was at least one positive thing. Even after philosophizing for what felt like an eternity you still didn't come to a conclusion of where you are.

Heaven? No... If it would truly exist then where is everyone? You aren't a bad person, but you aren't the best either. Surely there is at least one good person around somewhere... Also you don't think heaven would feel this empty... This... Strange.

Hell then? No... Absolutely not. That was impossible. Hell couldn't feel this good, this painless. If you would enter the dark void then you would surely be burning with intense pain... Not to mention the fact that your wounds wouldn't be healed so easily...

Then if those two aren't it... Are you still alive?

Normal humans can't float! That's impossible! Though... Maybe... No... Impossible! That couldn't be it, that WOULDN'T be it. You would rather die than to live on with that option. You couldn't, wouldn't and shouldn't be a Creepypasta.

You would rather kill yourself.


I opened the door and there she was, still lying motionlessly on the ground... And yet she was still fucking breathing. Why can't she just give up? Why can't she just die? It has been a day already, yet her body keeps on fighting, wanting to live.

What is there to live?

She's with me now and I promised to make her life a living hell. Then why would she want to stay alive... Why would she want to stay with me? Urgh, I'm growing soft. Probably thanks to the filthy words that hooded idiot spoke. Stealing my pet, let them try it!

Even if it's merely about a single kidney, it's still my kidney and if anyone has the right to pull it out of her body then it should be me. I nearly growled while walking closer, examining her broken body carefully.

"Why can't you just fuck off?" I hadn't realized I was talking; having no breaks whatsoever literally makes you throw everything out that you're thinking. Just looking at her makes me angry, just seeing her face... Just touching her makes me cringe in rage.

She needs to be away, she needs to get rid of before she really becomes a problem. She means nothing to me; she's a filthy and bloody mess of bones which is breathing. Nothing more. I kneeled down next to her, my fingertips involuntarily tracing her cheekbones.

She will be a problem... She will cause a problem... Unless she isn't around anymore. Unless I get rid of this... This problem. My hand went over to her neck, before I sat on top of her in a quick motion. Both of my hands were now wrapped around her throat, squeezing tightly.

I felt her body moving underneath me, her breathing becoming shallow as I kept pressing my thumbs tighter on her trachea. I usually don't suffocate my victims; it costs too much time and effort. A nice slit with the knife is more than enough, hearing them choking on their own blood...

Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRoseWhere stories live. Discover now