Chapter 13: Self-defense

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This chapter contains vulgar language. Be prepared!


"Checkmate!" Lee, one of the many guards assigned to protect you shouted, stomping the small, black knight several times down on the same spot. You frowned while raising your hands in defeat, nearly yelling of frustration.

"Impossible! Your knight wasn't there before I had to grab my drink from the side table!" Lee only laughed loudly, shaking his head as if saying you were wrong. But you were sure you were right, he cheated, his knight was on a different spot.

"You just can't take the fact that I'm winning! Go on, it is your turn." You crossed your arms out of defiance, signaling that you wouldn't be playing anymore before he would admit he cheated. Which would most likely never happen.

Because of the fact that you had nearly nothing to do since every single electronic device was removed from your chamber, some of the FBI men would play a game of chess with you, one of them was Lee. Even if you had played chess before, it was a long time ago and you had no idea what to do.

After a few games you began to understand the difficult material, but it wasn't as good as most of your opponents. You didn't mind, it was nice to have someone to talk to. Every day the loneliness started to take over, making you wonder why all this happens to you.

You had too much free time with your thoughts. You just wanted to know one single thing: why? The FBI couldn't answer that question, neither would any of those killers... But in your mind thousands of reason started popping up, creating a massive headache.

There was also one thought which constantly kept popping back into your head, preventing you from sleeping. It was the fact that Lola's father was researching those Creepypastas. What did he know about them? Why did he do it?

"Lee?" You asked carefully, watching the man as he was only staring at the board in concentration. He was probably thinking over his next move.

"What does Lola's father knows about the Creepypastas and why?" Lee surely seemed taken aback by this question, because his brown orbs immediately shot back to yours. He then looked away slowly, as if contemplating whether to tell you or not.

"Alright fine, I'll tell you. The father of Lola, Dirk, has been researching these Creepypastas for nearly 3 years. The main reason was to understand their anatomy and their secret to staying alive and not aging. Once they knew that they would continue on to create some kind of medicine out of these results, hoping to use them on humans."

This was a lot of information to process and you had to arrange the steps in your head. So they were researching those Creepypastas in order to create a medicine which will extend a human life? That sounded reasonable...

"However..." Lee continued, his finger tapping on his chin rapidly. "They needed more data about these creatures and they discovered that there are indeed more of them. This is where we come in. We discovered that all those Creepypastas are out to kill humans, thus resulting in their name. We demanded that instead of creating a medicine, the company would create a weapon against those creatures. That is all I know about it."

So... They create weapons for fighting the Creepypastas... If they succeed in time you would be safe, but... When would they succeed?

"Did they succeed in creating a weapon?" You asked Lee, your eyes focused on his as you waited for the answer in anticipation. You actually didn't think so, if they really would then why are you still here? Why are you being protected while they've already created a weapon?

Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRoseWhere stories live. Discover now