"On the house for you love birds." She said passing each one of us a travel cup with a proud smile on her face. I blushed at her comment, taking both of the cups out of her hands and passing one to Shawn.

Shawn thanked her and gave her a quick hug goodbye. His hand soon found mine again as we started walking the empty streets. No one was around since it was 1:00am and all of the bars were closer to 7th avenue. Shawn's silence made my nerves build up even more but I didn't want to push him if something was really bothering him.

"Hayden?" Shawn said after we made it to the fourth block in silence. I could see the stress spread across his face as if he had to build up the courage to speak this whole time.

"I need to show you something..." He said hesitantly as he slowly stopped walking.

I continued to watch his movements as he guided me to sit down on the nearest bench, the cold metal resting against my thighs.

Shawn pulled his phone out, staring at the dark screen for a second before unlocking it. He let out a long, nervous sigh while he pulled his headphones out from his pocket.

"So last week I finished the song I've been telling you about... and last weekend Andrew booked studio time so I could record it... and I wanted you to be one of the first to hear it but before you do..." He said looking up at me, the fear clearly spread through his brown eyes.

His eyes stared into mine before glancing back down at his phone screen, "Its not like the other songs I've written, this new album is going to be more honest than I ever been and this song... well I think its the most real thing I've ever written." Shawn said staring back up at me. I smiled looking between him and his phone knowing he was nervous to show me.

"Just when you hear it... Just know that I'm okay and hear what the song is really about." He said as he reached over brushing my hair behind my ear to put a ear bud in my ear and one in his. He took a deep breath before pushing play on his phone and leaned forward on his knees.

As the intro of the song began, Shawn's leg was bouncing like crazy so I lightly placed my hand on his thigh to ease his nerves. He quickly picked up my hand and intertwined our fingers again as the first verse started playing.

Help me, it's like the walls are caving in
Sometimes I feel like giving up
But I just can't
It isn't in my blood

I glanced up at Shawn as he quickly met my eyes before looking back down at the street while the song continued.

Laying on the bathroom floor, feeling nothing
I'm overwhelmed and insecure, give me something
I could take to ease my mind slowly
Just have a drink and you'll feel better
Just take her home and you'll feel better
Keep telling me that it gets better
Does it ever?

Help me, it's like the walls are caving in
Sometimes I feel like giving up
No medicine is strong enough
Someone help me
I'm crawling in my skin
Sometimes I feel like giving up
But I just can't
It isn't in my blood

As I listened to the chorus and hearing how he shouted 'It isn't in my blood' started to make my eyes water. I knew about his anxiety as he knew about mine. It's what helped me open up to him because I knew he understood, but he never talked about how bad his anxiety can be.

As the song continued I squeezed tightly onto his hand, my heart aching for him but also feeling extremely proud hearing his words. I leaned over resting my head on his shoulder as a few tears rolled down my cheeks.

I need somebody now
I need somebody now
Someone to help me out
I need somebody now

Help me, it's like the walls are caving in
Sometime I feel like giving up,
But I just cant
It isn't in my blood

Every Two Weeks // S.Mजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें