Merihem took a step back as though such a revelation was immense for him to endure. Although he had initially seemed prepared for it, his actions proved otherwise.

"No wonder why he loves you, Sophia," he mumbled, visibly overwhelmed.

The only thing I could do was nod, hoping my friend would share his insight first.

And, possibly out of consideration, he did.

"I don't know how he got hold of this," he said after a few moments, "but I believe that he treasures it a lot. Especially after you appeared."

I wasn't sure what kind of memories Merihem was recalling, but my mind already strived to find an answer.

The novel that Astaroth possessed was an unfinished draft, saved to an online storage. How exactly had he obtained a nobody's document in digital form and what was his motive?

Perhaps this would also answer how he found my ex-boyfriend.

I finally decided to speak: "Was Astaroth... a human?"

"If this is true, it would explain a lot," he absent-mindedly replied.

"I cannot think of any other way he would get this document without technology from my era," I began thinking aloud. "Do we all live in the same world after all? Is this the future? Astaroth has lived for hundreds of years, so it wouldn't be unthinkable."

Of course, this only made sense if Astaroth had lived in the world I'd come from (which would be a rather strong clue about his humanity). Nevertheless, it was still likely that he had been born a demon since there was no way for me to know how Earth would end up after leaving it.

I had a feeling, though, that this was not the case. I found it impossible to take that peculiar tattoo of his out of my mind. The way those black claws seemed to keep practically every part of his body imprisoned was too perfectly thought-out to be a coincidence. And, on top of it all, Astaroth's own secrecy about it only confirmed my theory.

But then again, what about technology? Had the world been destroyed and everything had to start over? Although that was a plausible theory, it still left many questions unanswered.

"The remnants of the former empire," Merihem suddenly whispered, presumably having remembered Orias's words from the same day.

That was right. Was humanity a fallen empire in which Astaroth had initially resided? Were there more like him?

"I thought demons were created as demons."

"They are," my friend assured me. "Apparently he is not a real demon. Not originally."

"Perhaps it's the exact opposite," I corrected. "If he was among the first of his kind and the Silver Reign had always belonged to him, maybe Astaroth deserves his new-found nature more than anyone."

Merihem raised an eyebrow, grinning in what seemed like appreciation.

"That black tattoo that covers the back half of his body must be what makes him different from the rest of us," he added. "He doesn't use a great amount of black magic to transform from a demon into a human or a wizard as I did to stay in the academy. This form he takes is a reminder."

I nodded emphatically, wondering how easily all of that made sense now. However, we most likely still had a long way to go before discovering all there was to him.

"How do you know about his tattoo?" I narrowed my eyes, not to judge but to confirm something that I subconsciously knew all along.

He sighed and looked at me with guilt. "We, uh, had a complicated relationship before you came. You know... sexually."

So that was who Astaroth had been involved with in the past. I raised my eyebrows as if a part of me still had a hard time believing it. "You and Astaroth? What about those things you told me about him in the beginning?"

"I was testing your reactions," he explained with a long face. "But, as you already know, a part of me believed what I was saying. And another wanted to protect you."

He laughed bitterly, adding: "Turns out you were just what he needed: someone like him so that he can be understood."

The hint of disappointment in his voice caused me a dull pain. Was he (still) in love with him? Was I in the middle? I had anticipated a fling but I never thought there would be something deeper. Astaroth himself had denied such a possibility. Then was it Merihem who had perceived their relationship to be something more serious than it was? Or was it simply one-sided?

I kind of felt bad for my friend but it wasn't that I would give Astaroth up if it was up to me.

I did my best to give him an encouraging grin. "Astaroth has lived for hundreds of years and we both know how he feels about people," I said. "No matter how complicated your relationship has been, I'm sure that you're special to him."

Merihem cast his eyes down and smiled shyly. "Thank you."

"I'm only being honest. I never imagined Astaroth would be your type, though."

Hearing this, he let out a small chuckle and raised his eyes to face me again. "We never had anything serious. It was mainly physical."

"Who initiated it?"

"He did. He can be very charming if he wants."

More like he's always charming, I thought to myself.

"I guess there's something I should confess at this point," he stated, peering at me to check if he could explain himself further. "I don't call him 'Master' only because he's my trainer," he said once he got the approval he wanted. "It's also a habit from back then. B-but I c-can stop it if it bothers you! I'm sure he won't even notice! It's not like he'll care anyway."

I didn't really mind Merihem's ramblings nor the reason behind them. What preoccupied me, at that moment, was that he had spoken as if we would meet Astaroth again at some point. Perhaps the new-found information about Astaroth served as the last hope for something to change for the better, this time.

"Do you think we can get him out of there?"

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