Ben squirmed a bit and answered the other, "Y-yeah... b-but it'll s-stop if you... m-mate with... me."

"But..." Ian shifted his gaze away only to move it back and meet Ben's desperate, desire filled one. He let out a sigh and spoke again, "Fine."

The older moved closer before getting down on his knees by Ben and looking into his eyes once more. He let himself get lost in the irresistible desperation and lust until something seemed to click inside his mind. He blinked and, when his eyes opened, he seemed to have a completely different expression than before.

Smirk spreading across his lips, Ian quickly grabbed the other's shoulders and pushed him onto his back.

Ben let out a loud moan at the sudden movement and wrapped his arms around the other's neck as he got on top of him. Ian leaned down and Ben kissed back as lips were pressed against his. Though, the contact was quickly broken and Ben let out a whimper.

Smirk still on his face, Ian pressed several quick butterfly kisses to the smaller's lips before pressing a long, passionate one to them.

Ben moaned into the kiss and moved his hands to claw at Ian's shoulders. Though, not liking that the older's shirt was in the way, he slipped his hands under the fabric and clawed at his skin.

Ian groaned at the slight pain and kissed the smaller harder before quickly pulling up his shirt, briefly breaking the kiss to take it off. He reconnected their lips and kissed harder than before, enjoying the moans that it caused the other. Slight smirk on his lips, Ian took the pleasured sounds as an opportunity to slip his tongue into the other's mouth.

Ben gasped in surprise and clawed harder at the other's back. He dragged his nails across smooth skin as he let out louder and longer moans at the feeling of his mouth being explored.

A moment later, Ian broke the contact to gasp for air and stared down at the needy, panting mess beneath him. He smirked again before moving his mouth to the other's neck and pressed butterfly kisses from one side to the other.

Smaller distracted by pleasure, Ian bit down and sucked, enjoying the moans Ben made before moving to another spot. He bit down and smirked as the younger moaned even louder, signaling to him that he had found his sweet spot.

Ian sucked harder and harder on the spot until Ben couldn't stop moaning and he had to break for air. He admired the large, dark bruise before leaving several more hickeys on the smaller and pulled away to smirk at the moaning mess under him.

Ian smirked wider and gently kissed one of the purple marks, only to get a gasp and moan in response. He licked and kissed the spot a few more times before he felt Ben's hands leave his back and his pants get tugged at. He smirked again and roughly kissed one of the spots before pulling away and stripping himself down to his underwear.

He looked back at Ben and noticed that not only was he shaking, but that the desire in his eyes had changed to a desperate need. Idea coming to mind, Ian moved his gaze downwards. He moved his hand to Ben's crotch and lightly rubbed the bulge, getting whimpers and moans in response.

Unable to resist, Ian roughly kissed Ben's lips and spoke when he pulled away, "Ready?"

Ben replied between heavy breaths and moans, "I've been... r-ready... since you... g-got here..."

Ian smirked, "Well, in that case..." He moved his hands to the elastic of Ben's now-soaked underwear and slowly pulled it down, teasing the younger.

Ben whined and squirmed, showing just how desperate he really was as he dug his nails deep into the other's back.

The older ignored the pain and smirked as he noticed the smaller's frustration. He moved one hand to gently rub the other's bulge again and, as Ben whimpered and whined, he pulled the wet underwear off.

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