Dinner Time

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^^even though you've probably seen this pic already, It made me laugh. I wish we got a pic of the whole cast that was there together!
      And I get it that this is probably a weird place to say this but I feel like it needs to be said. STOP COMMENTING OF FINNS POST IF YOU DINT HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY! I was reading some comments and there were so many mean or critical ones about how he never post about the ST cast or people saying that the hearts are for Millie and it made me sick. We finally get a picture from him and everyone is going to ruin it by commenting stuff like that and make him never want to post anything with the ST cast again. And what his caption and Millie's comments were meant nothing!!! They are just friends and I am happy that they feel comfortable commenting on each other's posts so don't ruin that for them. LET THEM BE FRIENDS.

Okay...without further ado...Chapter 15!

Time jump!! The Tuesday two weeks after Millie dropped Finn off at the airport.

~Finn's P.O.V.~
I push my head back against the headrest on the airplane as I prepare for the plane to land. This is my least favourite part of the plane ride. I feel my stomach tied itself in a knot and I squeeze my eyes shut. I feel plane jolt as the wheels hit the tarmac.

Suddenly, I get thrown foreword as the plane slows its speed drastically. Breathe. I tell myself. In through the nose, out through the mouth. My eyes pop back open as I hear the captains voice come on through the loudspeaker.

"We have now landed in LA, please wait until the seatbelt sign turns off..." he keeps talking, but I zone him out and drift into thought. This is my first trip back since the incident. And tomorrow me and Millie have to take the first step, hanging out in public. We have spoken on the phone a few times since I went home. I am extremely nervous to see Millie again. But she is the one picking me up from the airport.

Eventually, the plane parks, and the seatbelt sign turns off. Unbuckling my seatbelt, I grab my backpack from underneath my seat and slowly walk down the aisle. After a long walk, I step out a pair of doors into the meeting area.

"Finn!" I hear a cute little British accent call.

I follow the voice and see Millie speed walking towards me with one arm open. The other arm is holding her rib cage, where she fractured her rib.

When she reached me she opens her other arm and engulfs me in a hug. I am careful to not hurt her when I hug her back.

"How was your flight?" She asks as we pull away, her voice bubbly.

"Just like any other, my luggage is coming over here." I point in the direction of the luggage carrousel.
We walk over to an empty bench not too far from it and sit down. I notice that she winces a little bit while sitting.

"How's your ribs?" I ask her.

"Getting better, the doctors say I'm recovering quickly."

Before I can say anything, I teenage girl comes rushes over to us. "Millie Bobby Brown and Finn Wolfhard! Can I please get a picture??"She giggles.

"Of course!" Millie said, she's always so kind. "What's your name?"

Millie clutches the bench as she stands up, I put my arm on her back to help.

"Laura." She tells us, pulling out her phone.

"Here, I'll take it." I say, holding out my hand. She places the phone in my palm and the three of us stand together for a selfie. "There you go Laura!" I say handing her phone back to her.

"Thank you so much, I love you guys both so much!"

"Awwe, I love you too." Millie says as she waves goodbye.

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