Instagram Uh Oh

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Previously on "For the Fame:" Finn arrived at the Cafe before Millie did, he ordered his food, but the girl at the counter was a fan and asked for a picture. After taking a picture with her, he ordered something for Millie as well so that she did not have to talk to the fan as well.

Just after Millie arrived, the fan brought their food to the table, Millie tried to avoid the fan seeing her face, but is pretty sure that the fan recognized her.

Millie and Finn talked about the Duffers plan, and after careful consideration, decided to go through with it, and have no hard feelings no matter what happens. Besides, they only had to look like they are dating for the camera.

Finn texted the Duffers to tell them that they would go through with the plan. The Duffers both texted back, and Ross asked how Millie was going to tell Jacob, but Finn did not respond to that text.

~Millie's P.O.V.~

Oh my gosh, was I actually going through with this? The thought terrified me, but what scared me even more was telling Jacob.

I did not know how he would react, but I was going to have to be brave and go through with this.

"Oh! The Duffers are trying to FaceTime me." Finn said, pulling out his phone and holding it in front of us. We were the only two people on the back patio so we did not have to worry about anyone overhearing.

We both took a deep breath, then Finn swiped the screen and answered the call. "Finn! Oh and Millie's there too!" Matt said enthusiastically. "We are so happy to hear that you guys decided to go through with this!"

"Yeah..." I said uneasily.

"I get it that this is probably a but scary, but we are here for you if you need us." Ross told us. They are just like older brothers to us, always looking out for us.

"And remember, it only has to be for the camera." Matt reminded.

Me and Finn both nodded.

"So, we had an idea of how to introduce this to the press." Ross began.

"Okay?" Finn asked.

"Instead of just telling them you two are dating." It sounds so weird to hear someone say that. "We will introduce it to them slowly, and keep them guessing and waiting." Ross looked to Matt who began talking.

"First, you two are just going to go somewhere to be seen hanging out in public, once the paparazzi release those photos, it will capture the current fans attention. After that you two are going to have to hang out again, and this time post about it on your Instagram story or something. We will slowly recapture the fans attention, without actually saying that you guys are dating, but drop hints. Until eventually, you two will confirm it somehow." Matt explained.

"Sounds like a good plan, we will talk and figure out when to start." I said, looking at Finn.

"Okay, well I have to go now, I should get home to Leigh, I don't want to be away for too long." Ross told us. Leigh is his wife, she is due to have a baby in less than a month so it makes sense that Ross does not want to leave her alone.

"Okay, goodbye." Finn says. We both wave to them he hangs up. He turns to me. "I have to get home by Tuesday night, I have a concert at home on Wednesday, so did we want to try and hang out in public tomorrow?" He asks, and immediately my heart starts beating fast, this is moving a lot quicker than I expected it to. Tomorrow is too soon!


~Finn's P.O.V.~

I have a Calpurnia concert back home in Vancouver Wednesday night that I have to be home for. It is Sunday today, so I have only two more days here to get started on this.

For The Fame ||Fillie||Where stories live. Discover now