What did they just say?!?!

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Previously in "For the Fame:"
~Millie and Finn both went to the meeting with the Duffer Brothers. They were surprised to see each other there.

~Once the Duffers arrived, they told Millie and Finn that they had a plan to save the show, and the teenagers fame.

~The chapter ended with the Duffers telling the two Stranger Things stars that there plan was for Millie and Finn to start Dating.

~Finn's P.O.V.~

Did I hear them correctly? I'm not sure my ears are working properly. Did they actually just ask, no, tell me to date Millie? Millie? I can't date Millie. She has a boyfriend! An idiot of a boyfriend but none the less a boyfriend! And besides. She's like my sister. I think. Okay, maybe not exactly like a sister. Well, actually I think I've just had that idea in my head for the past two years. The only reason I think of her as a sister is because she said that she thinks of me as a brother to get the fans  off our tails about Fillie, so I went along with it. I guess I don't actually think of her as a sister. But still, I could never date Millie.


~Millie's P.O.V.~

I think my heart skipped a beat. Date Finn? Date Finn? Both of us were frozen. What was Finn thinking right now? I could never date him. He's like a brother to me. A brother that I'm not related to. Okay, maybe that's just what I was used to telling the fans to get them off my case about Fillie. Maybe that's not how I really felt. He was more like a really close friend. But I could never imagine dating him. It would just be...weird

The Duffer Brothers broke the awkward silence after what felt like forever but was probably only like a minute.

"We know that you probably don't like the idea at the moment, but it may just save your careers. Remember, you two don't actually have to date. You just have to look like it in public so the fans think you are." Matt reminded.

Ross then began talking. "So what are your first thoughts?"

"Uh...umm...I d-don't. We c-can't." I stuttered.

Finn jumped in. "W-we live in separate c-countries."

"It would never work." I said, although we all knew that I was lying. It really was genius. The plan was bound to work, I just didn't want to carry out the plan.

"Yeah, and then there's Jacob..." Finn commented. Right! Jacob! My boyfriend! I had completely forgot about him. In all of the reasons of why we couldn't do this I never thought about Jacob.

"Oh, are you two on again?"

"It's not on-again off-again like everyone says it is. But yes, Jacob and Ayla are big problems in this plan." I lied about the first part. Jacob only acts like he is dating me when it benefits him. It's so annoying.


~Finn's P.O.V.

"But yes, Jacob and Ayla are big problems in this plan." I hear Millie say.

Ayla? She thinks I'm dating Ayla?

(For those of you that don't know, I am talking about Ayla Tesler-Mabe. She is the vocalist/guitarist in Calpurnia, a band that Finn is part of. Btw, her and Finn are NOT dating in real life and have never gone on any dates, they are just friends and band mates.)

"Wait a second. You think I'm dating Ayla?"

"Well, Your instagram says it all. I see her on your story all the time, and besides, Noah told me that you went on a date with her." She says.

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