Law is Law [Part one]

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Your POV

"Don't patronize me, Lynch," I hissed at him from across the table and he gave me a sickly smirk.

"You should have backed out of this case when you got the chance. It's not my fault you're going to lose," he said as he leaned back into the chair in his office. "You think I'd let a rapist get away with something like this?" I fumed and he glared at me. "My client is innocent," he said and I rolled my eyes.

Ross Lynch, everybody. The ass of the century. Ross and I were both lawyers. He and I regularly had cases against each other. Most of the time, I won them. We never had any problems; until last summer that is.

Ross took a case and represented a young man. I defended a young woman who claimed that she was raped by the same man. My heart stopped when I heard Ross was defending the accused. Ross and I got along well until then. We were friends even. 

That summer he won the case. And I've ever never been able to forgive him for letting a rapist walk free.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked and he nodded. "Why the hell would you defend someone like him?" I asked and he let out a sigh. "Because I believed he didn't do it," Ross shrugged and I stared at him for a moment.

He's lying.

He was fidgeting with his fingers. A telltale sign I knew so well after working with him for so long.

"You're doing this for money," I realized in disgust and he only stared back at me. "Wow," I breathed out.

I never expected this of Ross. When he started working at this firm he was a good man with honest values. We were both top lawyers in Seattle. I, however, didn't get here for the money.

"Don't try to make me feel guilty. You do the same," he shrugged and I squinted at him, feeling my blood start to boil in anger. "Excuse me?" I seethed and he leaned forward, placing his elbows on the mahogany desk.

"Why would you take all these cases when you know that these people will never get real justice? Yeah, sure, a few years in jail maybe, but that's it. You're using these poor women to make money. This is not making them feel better. This is only making them worse," Ross said and I felt my throat close up.

"You're honestly a dick. Yes, maybe these men only get a few years in jail, maybe not, but at least my clients get a couple of years peace! These women have been through hell and back! And to see someone like you defending the rapists is honestly sickening! I'm not using them for money I'm trying to get scumbags off the streets to stop them from making other women's lives a living hell!" I exploded and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Come on, Y/N, don't try and act like you know what they're going through," he said and my heart stopped.

I could still see the flashes of memories. Haunting me. I could feel his breath on my skin and his filthy hands on my body. I still remember the stench of the alley from that night. 

"There is something seriously wrong with your morals," I whispered before standing up and storming out of his office. My office was down the hall and once I was in it I slammed the door shut and tried to control my breathing.

I could feel warm tears slipping down my cheek as the flashes of these awful memories entered my mind. I slapped a hand over my mouth as a sob threatened to escape it. I could feel my heart tearing and the headache was already making its presence known.

Out of nowhere a knocking sound ran through the air and it took me a second to realize that it was coming from my door. "Just a second," I called out and frantically rubbed away the tears. I took a couple of deep breaths and made sure I looked presentable before opening the door.

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