Cancelled plans (@user95733075)

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Amy's POV

"What time are you leaving?" I asked my boyfriend as I wearily eyed the bacon and eggs in front of me. "In about twenty minutes. I'm meeting the guys there," Ross said before taking a bite of his eggs.

Ross was going out to meet some of his friends at Brady's house.

"Why aren't you eating? Are you okay?" Ross asked and I nodded. I knew if I told him about my nausea he'd immediately cancel his plans. "Yeah I'm fine. Just not hungry," I lied, but immediately felt guilty afterwards. I hate lying.

"Did you know that every time you lie, you flinch a little afterwards?" he asked and I looked at him like a deer caught in headlights. "Oh," I said stupidly and he grinned. "So what's wrong? Why aren't you eating?" Ross asked and I sighed.

"I'm just feeling a little nauseous. It's nothing bad," I said and he raised an eyebrow. "Are you pregnant?" Ross asked and I chocked on my saliva. "What?! No!" I exclaimed quickly and he hummed. "Maybe it's because you're hungry," he suggested and I shrugged before moving the eggs around with my fork.

"Maybe I should cancel. I can go pick up some medication if you want," Ross said and I immediately shook my head. "No I'm fine. See," I said and forced a bite of eggs down my throat. He looked at me, waiting to see any signs of my lies.

I stared right back. Suddenly I could feel my stomach churning and my throat slightly closing. My shoulders hunched lightly and Ross raised an eyebrow. "Gonna throw up?" he questioned knowingly and I nodded before dashing towards the bathroom of our cosy apartment.

I fell on my knees and the bile rose through my system. As I was throwing up I could feel Ross holding back my hair and rubbing my back. After I was sure I was done I flushed the toilet and sat down on the closed lid.

"How do you feel?" Ross asked and I groaned. "Awful," I admitted in a scratchy voice and he frowned deeply. "C'mon. Let's get you in bed," he said and grabbed my hand. "No. I'm gonna go lay down on the couch and you're going to get in your car and drive to Brady's house," I said as I stood up and he shook his head.

"Ross-" I started whining and he quickly cut me off. "Amy, stop. If our positions were changed you would've done exactly the same. Now c'mon. If you want to then you can lay on the couch, but I'm staying here and taking care of you.

Fast forward an hour and I'm feeling even more awful. My nose is snotty, I'm cold, but sweating, I have a cough and I'm still throwing up. "I really think I should take you to the doctors," Ross said worriedly and I shook my head. "I swear I'll break up with you if you take me to them. Did you call your mom?" I asked and he nodded as he rubbed away the hairs sticking onto my forehead.

"I did. Will you be alright if I go to the pharmacy and pick up a couple of things?" Ross asked and I nodded. "Yeah I'll be fine. Thank you for taking care of me," I whispered and he smiled. "You're welcome. Try to get some rest while I'm gone. I love you," he said as he bent down to kiss my forehead. "Love you too," I mumbled tiredly.

Ross's POV

As I opened the door of our apartment I only heard silence. I'm assuming Amy's asleep. I silently walked into the kitchen and took out all the medication she needs.

After preparing everything for her I grabbed a glass of water and moved to the living room. I saw her clutching the blankets close to her and sleeping restlessly. She made small whimpering sounds and shifted around.

"Amy," I whispered as I crouched in front of her and rubbed her hair. "Amy," I said and she groaned lightly, letting me know she's awake. "C'mon you have to take your pills," I said and she groaned again before I helped her sit up.

Her face was pale and it looked like here eyes were falling into her face. Her eyes were clouded and also droopy.

"Thank you for going to get them," she whispered as I handed her the pills and the water. "You're welcome. I'd do anything for you. Brady says he hopes you feel better soon and that we'll reschedule it's no problem," I said and she hummed as she swallowed the pills.

She flinched and struggled to swallow them before she gave me back the water. "How about you go and take a shower? I'll make sure everything if ready for you when you get out," I said and Amy nodded slowly. She stood up and smiled weakly before walking to the bathroom.

I grabbed one of my shirts along with her favourite fluffy blanket and threw it in the dryer. I prepared her some soup and crackers and placed them on the coffee table.

I don't know if she'd want to eat, but we'll see. I heard the shower shut off and quickly collected the shirt and blanket. I knocked on our bedroom's door and heard her saying to come in.

"Hey," I said and Amy smiled exhaustedly at me. The medicine was making her even more tired. "I put the shirt in the dryer for you," I said and handed it to her. She looked at me and grinned. "You're the best boyfriend ever," she grinned and I bent down to kiss her cheek.

Ten minutes later she was laying down on the couch again and pouting at me. "Will you cuddle with me?" Amy asked and I looked at her surprised. Normally she hated cuddling so this was strange.

"You want to cuddle?" I asked and she nodded. Well I'm not giving this opportunity up. I laid down next to her and she cuddled into my chest. "Thank you for taking care of me," Amy whispered and I kissed her head. "You're welcome, Angel,"

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