Unexpected changes (@DolanKisser)

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Lauren's POV

I stared numbly at the brick wall in front of me as I heard the distant shut of a door. I can't believe what just happened. This wasn't how my story was supposed to go. I wasn't supposed to get pregnant now. I wanted to get married first.

Justin was my long term boyfriend. We met our first year in college. I was an idiot when it came to him. I knew that he treated me badly and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get myself to leave him. Now I'm pregnant and when I decided to tell Justin he just looked at me for a second.

"With whose?" he asked blankly and I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean with whose? It's your baby, Justin!" I exclaimed as tears started gathering in my eyes and he shook his head. "No. That's not my baby. Never will be. Good luck," was all he said before exiting the room and my life.

Now I'm screwed. I can't raise a baby on my own while working. I don't even know how this happened. I was on birth control and we always used a condom. A small sob escaped my mouth and suddenly a knock was heard on the door of my apartment. Hope instantly filled me and I jogged to the door, hoping to find Justin there. I was hoping that he'd apologise and say he was just shocked and reacted badly. I was hoping he'd stay and help me with the pregnancy and tell me that he'll always be here.

However I was majorly disappointed when I saw Ross, my best friend since childhood, standing there and looking at me in concern. "I just saw Justin in the hall. What's going on? Why are you crying?" he asked and immediately pulled me into a hug and I sobbed into his chest.

"It's okay. Come on let's go inside," Ross said and lead me into the living room. "Lauren what's going on?" Ross asked worriedly and I sniffed. "I'm pregnant," I blurted out and he looked at me with a gentle gaze. His eyes weren't shocked or judgemental. "He walked out, didn't he?" he asked and I nodded as another tear escaped my eye. "I can't believe I'm gonna have to raise this child by myself. I'm gonna be alone," I cried as I buried my head in my hands and I felt him rub my back.

"You're not alone," he whispered and I turned my head to look at him. "You'll never be alone as long as I'm here," Ross said and I let out a whimper. "It's gonna be okay," he said as he pulled me into a hug and I sobbed into his chest. "I'll be here for you,"

"I don't know how to do this," I said and he kissed the top of my head. "Well then I'll help you figure it out. We can tell everyone it's my baby," he joked and I chuckled while shaking my head. "We can't do that," I said and he shrugged. "Well that bastard isn't going to be this baby's father either,"

1 month later
Ross's POV

"Did you know that pregnant women have less oxygen in their blood which causes forgetfulness?" I asked Lauren as I read the pamphlet in the doctor's waiting room. She looked at me weirdly before speaking up. "Ross you don't need to be here," she said and I put down the pamphlet.

"I know I don't need to, but I want to," I said and she sighed and nervously twiddled with her fingers. "What if there isn't a baby?" she asked softly and I took her hand in mine. "There is a baby. I just know it, Lauren. And I know you love this baby with your whole heart. Don't worry about that," I said and she nibbled on her lip.

"Lauren Y/L/N?" the receptionist asked and Lauren and I stood up. After a nurse took Lauren's weight, height, blood pressure and all that stuff, she told us the doctor would be in soon before exiting the room.

"Nervous?" Lauren suddenly asked as she noticed my hands running through my hair and I gave her a small smile. "I know that it isn't my baby - biologically - but I'm so anxious to see the baby. You know I'd never leave you guys, right?" I asked and she nodded. "I know that and thank you for being here," Lauren said and I grinned at her.

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