Baby bro (@rosslynch94)

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Ross's POV

As I was sitting at home, scrolling through the channels and waiting for Tori to come home, my phone beeped at my side. I picked up my phone, expecting it to be a text from Tori, but that was the case. It was Riley, my younger brother. Riley is in eight grade this year.

Riley: Bubba, I need your help 😞

I furrowed my eyebrows at the text before unlocking my phone and replying.

Me: What's wrong, little bro?

Riley: She broke up with me! Charlotte. Today it at school it was like so suddenly. I have no idea what the hell I did. This suck, Ross!

I felt myself frown deeply as I read the text. Charlotte and Riley have been going out for almost a year. Riley was crazy about her. It was his first relationship and also his first breakup. First breakups are always the hardest. I sighed out before typing a message.

Me: Hold on. I'm coming to get you.

I hurried to the door and quickly put on my Converse. No way I'm leaving him like that at school. Just as I opened the door Tori stood there with the keys in her hand and she looked at me shocked. "Hey," I said before leaning down and giving her a kiss. "Hey. Where are you off to?" Tori asked confused and I felt myself smile at her face. She looks adorable when she's confused. "I'm going to get Riley. Charlotte broke up with him today. I don't wanna leave him like that at school," I explained and she crossed her arms over her chest. "She broke up with him?!" she literally shrieked out as anger took over her features. "Why?!" "I don't know. Riley doesn't know either," I shrugged and she tapped her foot on the floor.

"If I was seven years younger I would've bitch slapped her," she said, completely serious, and I rolled my eyes. "Calm down. You're like the definition of an overprotective sister," I said and she hummed. "Well I didn't really get a chance to do it with Kyle and Jasper so I'm doing it with Riley," "You can't just steal him away," I said teasingly and she just looked at me. "I can and I will," she said and I chuckled. "I need to go. It's okay if he stays here right?" I asked and she rolled her eyes. "No not at all. He's gonna sleep on a dog basket on the balcony," she said sarcastically and I grinned. "Thank you. I need to go. I love you," I said before kissing her cheek and she smiled at me. "I love you, too," she said before I walked down the hall and into our elevator.


Riley's POV

"Riley Lynch, please come to the office with your bag. Riley Lynch," the intercom said and I sighed in relief.


I stood up and stuffed my stuff in my backpack before walking out of the class. I took long strides to get quickly to the office where Ross is, hopefully. As I passed the girl's bathroom, Charlotte walked out and just stared at me. I felt my heart breaking as I swallowed before looking ahead again and continuing my way to the office.

Charlotte was my first girlfriend and honestly I really liked her. She meant a lot to me and I have no idea what happened. I mean I did everything right. Exactly the way my dad taught me and the rest of my brothers. Carried her bag, walked her to class, opened doors for her, bought her occasional lunch. I mean I have no idea what I did. As I was walking, I didn't focus on what I was doing and I walked into the glass door of the office. My body jerked from the sudden impact and I looked up in shock. Everybody was staring in shock at me through the glass door and I felt my cheeks redden. I cleared my throat before I opened the door and walked into the office, keeping my head down low. "You okay?" Ross asked softly as soon as I got to him and I looked up at him. "Uh huh," I said and nodded. "I'm just gonna sign you out real quick," Ross said before turning to the counter and he signed his signature. "Okay let's go," Ross said as he placed his hand on my shoulder and guided me to the front door. Once again I wasn't paying attention and BAM!

Into the glass doors...again! My body jerked back into Ross's as he caught me and I felt all the eyes on me again. "Just walk," Ross said as he opened the door and quickly guided me out of the office and to his car. "You okay?" Ross asked as soon as we were safely in his car and I nodded. Shortly after I started laughing loudly and Ross joined in. "Wait till Tori hears about this!" I laughed and we started laughing harder.


"We're home!" Ross yelled loudly as soon as we stepped into his apartment. "Dude, your apartment's only so big. I'm sure Tori will hear you," I said and Ross laughed as he kicked off his shoes. "Riley's right you know. Everyone in Beverly Hills knows you're home," Tori said sarcastically as she appeared in the hall and I laughed at her as she walked closer. "I have missed you so much! My heart was breaking!" Tori yelled dramatically as she literally almost fell on me and 'hugged' me. I stumbled a little and heard Ross laughing. "Please. You couldn't have been that lonely. You had Ross," I said as I wrapped my arms around her and she scoffed. "Why do you think I missed you so much?" she asked and I laughed. "Hey!" Ross yelled as we laughed.

"I have lunch with a couple of my friends. Are you guys going to be alright?" Tori asked as she looked between the both of us and Ross nodded. "Yeah we'll be fine. Go enjoy your lunch," he said before giving her a quick peck. "Alright. I'll see you guys later. Don't burn down the apartment," she warmed as she grabbed her purse. "No promises," I winked and she giggled.


"So what happened between you and Charlotte?" Ross asked as we sat down on his couch. A lot of snacks and junk food were surrounding us as we watched a football game on TV. "I have no idea. She literally just told me that she wanted to break up, but I think there's another guy," I shrugged and he frowned. "I know how that feels. Listen to me. She doesn't deserve you. You were good to her, Riley, and she manipulated you. You were a true gentleman and treated her right and you don't get a lot of boys like that your age. You'll find someone else, okay? Your true love is still out there," Ross said and I nodded. "How did you know? That Tori is your soulmate?" I asked and he smiled softly. "Because when I look into her eyes I realise that I have everything I want. I have her. When I hold her I don't want to let her go and I want to protect her from everything. She's everything I've ever wanted. That's how you know, Riley. Tell you what. Why don't we have a brothers' day tomorrow. Just the two of us. We can do anything we want to. It's Saturday tomorrow anyway," Ross said and I nodded. "Yeah that sound like fun," I said and he nodded with a smile.

I am sorry rosslynch94
There will be a part two, but I wanted to give you something to read. As you know I've been going through a tough time, but I'm trying my best. I hope you like part one.

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