Happily ever after ~part 1~ (KlaudiaklauR5)

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Ross's POV

I sighed as I stepped into our house after a long day of recording. I'm exhausted. All I want to do is take a shower with my beautiful wife, Klaudia, and go to bed.

The smell of Klaudia's delicious cooking filled my nose and I immediately smiled before walking into the kitchen. "Hey, babe," I said and Klaudia spun around in her heels. "Oh. Hi," she smiled slightly and I walked closer before giving her a passionate kiss.

"You're home later than usual," she noted and I nodded with a tired sigh before sitting down at the kitchen counter and she continued preparing the food. "Yeah, sorry I didn't get a chance to text you. We didn't even get one break. Management's been up our asses whole week to finish recording. I swear those people don't have li-" I cut myself off as I noticed my wife's appearance.

She was dead silent as she prepared the food and her shoulders were hunched slightly. Her whole body was tense and I immediately knew what was wrong.

"Babe?" I asked softly and she kept her back to me. She hummed, but I could hear her voice cracking causing me to immediately stand up and walk closer. "Hey, come here," I cooed and she placed down the spoon she was busy with as a sob racked her body.

I immediately pulled her into my arms and let her get out all the emotions she's been holding in.

Klaudia was a child psychologist.

Everyday she handles extreme cases that sometimes she just has to break down and let it all out. She's told me about some of her cases and to think what young children went through in this evil world, broke my heart.

Klaudia has been through a lot. From getting sexually abused by her own father to her mother almost selling her to a gang. She had a tough life growing up and it broke my heart when I found her laying in an alley, broken down and crying.

I take her home with me, got her cleaned up, fed and did everything I could to keep her happy. I knew she was my soulmate the moment I looked into her eyes. That was a couple of years ago. Now she's got a degree and we've been married for two extraordinary years.

The way she turned her life around made me so incredibly proud and made me look up to her. She wanted to be a child psychologist because she had a strong need to help people, especially children.

She always said that people never really understand how much hell some young children has to go through. Hell, I didn't even realise until she opened my eyes to that world.

After about 5 minutes her breathing was returning to normal and she was calming down. "Bad day?" I asked gently as I ran my fingertips through her hair. She nodded gently as she kept her head in my chest. "Want to talk about it?" I asked softly and she shook her head.

"Not tonight,"


"Klaudia," I said as I gently ran my fingertips up and down her bare back. After we ate we had a shower and I helped her relax.

Hence the reason we're currently naked. Wink wink.

"Hmm?" my wife hummed and she made eye contact with me. The life was returning to her eyes causing relief to flush through my body. "We need to talk," I said and she looked at me in panic. "Relax it's nothing bad," I soothed and she looked at me curiously. "Okay I'm listening," she said and I kissed her nose.

"Well we've been married for two years now," I trailed off and she rose her eyebrow. "Yes?" she questioned and I let out a shaky breath as I felt the nerves sinking in. "And I was just thinking," I tailed off again causing my wife to giggle.

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