Falling asleep (@oxBringMeTheKellicxo)

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This is a boy×boy imagine.

Zach's POV

"What time should I expect you back?" I asked my boyfriend into the phone and heard people yelling in the background. "No later than ten. I can't wait to see you. These past two months have been hell, babe," Ross said and I sighed.

"I know, baby. Just a couple more hours and you're back. Do you want me to make you something for dinner?" I asked and he groaned softly in appreciation.

"Please. You have no idea how much I've missed your food," Ross said and I chuckled at him. "Alright I'll make your favourite: Alfredo pasta with prawns," I said and he let out a soft moan.

"Hey! Stop talking dirty to Zach over the phone! He's mine!" I heard Rocky yell in the background causing me to laugh as Ross scolded him. "Idiot," he mumbled as I continued giggling.

"You know he's joking," I said and Ross chuckled lightly. "Yeah I know. I have to go and help pack up the set. I'll see you in a bit. I love you," he said gently and I grinned from my position on our white couch.

"Alright I can't wait. I love you too, babe," I said before hanging up and sighing.

Ross and I have been together for the past three years. My family always knew I was gay, but it was a shock to Ross's family when he came out. Although they were shocked they accepted it immediately and they accepted me. They have always made me feel like a part of the family and loved and I couldn't be more thankful.

Ross and I moved in together about a year ago and six months ago they started a world tour. I went to visit them, but I couldn't the past two months because of work.

I started preparing dinner and after it was finished it was only eight pm. I was going to wait for Ross until he got home. My stomach was filled with butterflies of anticipation and I couldn't help my heart from jumping.

After two long months he was finally returning home to me and I couldn't wait.

Ross's POV

"How long more?" I sighed frustrated as I paced around the airport. "No idea. Until they decided we can finally board the plane," Rydel groaned, obviously in a foul mood as the rest of us and I sat down next to her.

"We've been delayed for two hours. This is ridiculous. I'm hungry, tired and I just wanna go home to Zach. Now they have to delay the flight," I grumbled and I slid down the uncomfortable seat and Rydel smiled softly at me.

"I'm proud of you," she said and I looked at her confused. "And why is that?" I asked as she shifted closer to me. "For being honest and open about your sexuality. And not being afraid to tell the world how much you love Zach. You two inspire me," she said and I grinned as I took my sister's hand in mine.

"I'm not going to pretend to be someone I'm not. I want to spend the rest of my life with Zach and if people can't accept that they can go fuc-"

"That's our flight. C'mon," Ellington cut me off and I sighed in relief. I was already late and all our phones died so I couldn't reach Zach to tell him what's going on.

I haven't seen him for the past two months and now I'm gonna be late too. I'm a horrible boyfriend.


I silently slipped in Zach and mines apartment after one am. He's probably already asleep and I don't blame him. I was even exhausted.

I placed my suitcases by the door and slipped out of my Converse, allowing my eyes to sweep through the apartment. The switched on light of the living room had drawn my attention and my legs were silently moving towards the passed out figure on the couch.

I smiled lightly before slipping my hands under Zach's body before carrying him to our bedroom. His familiar and comforting scent filled my nose and caused my body and mind to relax completely.

I placed him gently into the bed and stripped down to my underwear before also slipping under the covers.

"Ross?" Zach groaned softly and I pulled him closer to me as a content sigh escaped my mouth. It was so good to have him back in my arms. "I'm sorry I'm late. Our flight got delayed," I whispered and softly kissed his shoulder causing him to shiver.

"It's alright, babe. I'm so glad you're home," he whispered back and turned in my arms to face me. "I'm glad I'm home too. And I'm glad I get to hold you," I mumbled and saw him blush.

"Always so mushy," he mumbled and I chuckled. "I love you, Zach" I said and he softly kissed my neck. "I love you too,"


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