Mrs Lynch: Part 2

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Your POV

As I was busy in the kitchen, making dinner I heard the car pull up and the garage door open. After a minute the door that connects the kitchen to the garage opened and my beautiful husband walked in, a tired look on his face. As soon as he saw me he grinned and placed his keys on the counter before walking to me. "Hi, darling," he said as he pulled me into his arms and I laid my head on his chest. "Hi, love," I said into his shoulder as I closed my eyes and he hummed as he pulled me closer. "Where's my son?" Ross asked and I smiled into his shoulder Ross and Raeden were extremely close. He was only four months old, but you could see the love radiating off of Ross as he held Raeden close to him. Raeden was Ross's world and he was mine too. We both love him to death.

"He's sleeping. He didn't sleep last night, at all, remember?" I asked tiredly and Ross chuckled against my temple. "How could I forget? I was the only one almost falling asleep during band practice the whole day. I seriously almost swallowed the microphone," Ross said and I laughed into his shoulder. "You tired?" Ross asked as he ran a hand through my hair and I sighed in pleasure. "Exhausted," I confessed and he kissed my temple. "Go lay down for a bit," "I have to finish the food," I said and Ross shook his head. "I'll finish it don't worry. You just go lay down and sleep for an hour," he said and I sighed. "But you're just as tired," I said again and he hummed. "How about we leave the food for a while? And we both go and lay down? We'll get some rest," Ross said and I hummed. "That sound heavenly. Let's go," I said before switching off the stove and we both walked upstairs. I looked into Raeden's nursery and after I was sure he's fine I joined Ross in our room.

"C'mon. I wanna hold you," Ross mumbled as he held his arms out to me. I laid down next to him and he immediately pulled me into his arms. My back was pressed against his chest, our legs were intertwined and he had his face buried in my hair. "I love the way you smell," Ross mumbled into my hair and I giggled softly. Ross gets extremely clingy when he's tired. It's adorable actually. Raeden is exactly like Ross. He also gets extremely clingy when he's tired. When he's that tired I'm not even allowed to put him down before he's asleep in my arms.

"You're exactly like your son," I said and Ross grinned against my neck. "Mm. He's a true Lynch. He'll have just as great a taste in women as I do," Ross said and I rolled my eyes. "Please don't make me think about that right now," I whined and Ross laughed. "I'm just saying. I did choose the best woman in the world," he said and I scoffed lightly as I listened to the silence in our double story house. "It's true. I chose the best woman. You have an amazing personality. You're caring, warm, you're a fantastic mom. You're a great cook. I mean seriously I could get fat on your food and I wouldn't even complain about it. You cook extremely well," Ross cooed into my ear and I giggled as he kissed my ear. "Also you know how to take control and that's sexy as hell," he purred into my ear before nibbling on it and shivers rose all over my body. "Calm down, boy," I said and he giggled before trailing his kisses down my neck. "C'mon please," Ross said as he kissed behind my ear and I swallowed. "But Raeden-" "Raeden is asleep," Ross cut me off and I sighed. "We better be quick," I said and he immediately turned me onto my back before climbing onto me. "I think I'm gonna take my time," Ross said lowly and I giggled as he placed his lips on mine.


"I love you so much," Ross said against my forehead and I smiled as he intertwined our bare legs. "I love you, too, Ross," I said and placed my lips on his. I felt him smile against my lips and I gently forced my tongue into his mouth. He hummed as he moved so he was over me again when suddenly Raeden's scream filled the air through the baby monitor. Ross pulled away and I chuckled softly. "I got him," Ross said as he rolled off of me. He slipped out from under the covers and pulled on some boxers before winking at me and walking out of the room. "Hey, buddy," Ross's voice cooed through the baby monitor and I smiled before getting out of bed. I slipped on some underwear along with Ross's button up shirt before buttoning it up and I walked downstairs.

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