Truth be told (@teambarnes)

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Y/N: your name
y/e/c: your eye colour
y/h/c: your hair colour.

Ross's POV

"When's {Y/N} coming over?" I asked my siblings as we sat around the band house. I saw a bitter expression cross Courtney, my girlfriend's, face as I mentioned {Y/N}. There's not an issue between them they just don't get along very well. Luckily they don't drag me in the middle of it.

"She's going to be here any second," Rydel said with an excited smile.

We've known {Y/N} for about six years now. She's our best friend and honestly she's amazing. She's unique and different and doesn't care about what anyone says. She's always herself and that's what I love about her.

Suddenly the doorbell went off and Rydel let out an excited shriek before running to the door. Riker chuckled at her as he shook his head and also walked to the door. I refrained from running to the door as Courtney got a scowl on her face. Ryland looked at her for a second before snorting and rolling his eyes.

Ryland can't stand Courtney. {Y/N} helped Ryland through some difficult times when we were on tour that we never knew about. Ryland and {Y/N} are very close and since Courtney isn't, well, warm towards {Y/N}, Ryland started getting cold towards Courtney.

He's never been mean or anything, but he's ignoring her like any normal person avoids AIDS. Horrible comparison I know.

"Hey!" {Y/N} shouted as she walked into the dining room and Ryland immediately went to hug her. "Hey," he said happily before the seperated. I also stood up and hugged her. We all sat down again and I took a minute to observe {Y/N}. Her y/e/c eyes were dull today, but her fake smile was shining brightly.

Ryland also noticed this as I saw his eyebrows furrowing.

"So how have you guys been?" {Y/N} asked as Riker handed her a cup of coffee. She thanked him with a huge grin and immediately took a sip of her hot and bitter drinking, humming in satisfaction. "We've been good. Our album is finally done so we're good," Ellington said and everyone nodded as she grinned. "That's amazing guys!" {Y/N} exclaimed and we nodded in agreement.


Third person POV

"So are you okay?" Ryland asked as he and {Y/N} sat in his room. After about an hour of her showing up, he pulled her into his room. No, not in the way you're thinking.

Ryland could see something was wrong the second she walked into the house and he wanted to make sure she was okay.

"Yeah I'm fine. One hundred percent," she grinned and he rose an eyebrow. "Do I look stupid?" he asked and she smirked at him. "Yes," she replied sassily and Ryland laughed. "Oh shut up. C'mon, seriously what's wrong?" Ryland asked and {Y/N} sighed softly.

"It's stupid don't worry about it," she said with a smooth smile, but he only continued staring at her. "Please tell me. I'm worried," Ryland said in concern and she sighed. "Honestly it's stupid. It's nothing to worry about," she said and Ross, who was walking back to the living room, stopped in his tracks as he heard those words.

He was standing just outside Ryland's bedroom door. He knew it was very wrong to eavesdrop, but the concern for his best friend got the better of him.

"It's not stupid if you look like this. You can tell me," Ryland said as he grabbed {Y/N}'s hands. Ross was itching to hear what was wrong as his concern and curiosity flowed through his body. "Promised you won't tell anyone?" {Y/N} asked and Ryland nodded. "I promise," he said and she looked hesitant.

"It's Ross," she said softly. Ross's ears immediately perked up as Ryland clenched his jaw. As far as Ross knew he didn't do anything wrong. "What did he do?" Ryland asked angrily and {Y/N} sighed as she shook her head. "He didn't do anything," she said and Ross's and Ryland's confusion grew even more.

"I'm confused. What's going on?" Ryland asked. "I think..." {Y/N} trailed off and both Ryland and Ross waited impatiently. "I think I'm in love with Ross," {Y/N} blurted out.

Ross felt his knees buckling slightly as shivers raced through his body. A log was stuck in his throat and his eyes were wide with shock.

"I know. I've seen it a long time ago," Ryland said with a gentle nod and {Y/N} swallowed. She felt like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders while Ross felt one being placed on his. The thing that worried Ross was that he felt strangely happy when he heard that. His stomach did flips and his heart fluttered.

Things are gonna get complicated.


Ross's POV

"Bye," I waved at Courtney as she walked down the driveway and to her car. She wanted me to go home with her, but I have to think about things. After what I heard {Y/N} say I've been so confused. I don't know what to think or how to act.

When she said that I felt happy.

That's what worries me. I should be thinking of a way to let her down easy...but instead I'm thinking of a way to let my current girlfriend know that I've found the love of my life.

I'm not an idiot. I'm 23 and I know what love is.

I sighed before I walked back inside and to my bedroom. I sat down on the bed with a groan as I tried to clear my head. When I kissed Courtney goodbye, I didn't feel anything. I know it's a horrible thing to say, but it's like my feelings for Courtney vanished after I heard {Y/N}'s confession. She's the only thing that's on my mind.

I decided to take a shower and to go to bed. Just as I was about to climb into bed, only in my boxers, a knock was heard on my door. "Come in," I said and {Y/N} opened the door and slowly walked inside.

"Just wanted to say goodbye," she said and I looked at her. "We need to talk," I said and saw her face pale as she swallowed. "What about?" she asked as she closed the door and I motioned for her to sit next to me.

"I heard what you told Ryland," I said and she stopped breathing for second. "I- I don't know what you're- how did- WERE YOU EAVESDROPPING?" she yelled, but I knew it was an act to get the attention away from her as she looked around.

"{Y/N} I'm sorry I eavesdropped, but I can't say I'm sorry about what I heard," I said and she looked at me like a dear in headlights. "What?" she blurted out immediately and I chuckled.

"After I heard what you said it's like everything changed. Like my eyes finally opened up. I was so happy when I heard you say that and I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. I'm not an idiot I know that I love you, {Y/N}. I just need to know that you feel the same," I said and she looked at me shocked.

Nerves were traveling through my body and she suddenly nodded. "I love you too," she whispered as I started leaning closer. "No!" {Y/N} yelled as she moved away and fall off the bed and onto her ass. "What was that?" I asked shocked, but with a small amused smile.

"You have a girlfriend. If you kiss me now I have no trust that you won't cheat on me further down the line," she said, still on the floor, and I nodded in understanding. "I when I break up with Courtney then I'll be able to kiss you?" I asked and {Y/N} swallowed.

"That sounds so wrong, but yes," she said and I nodded. "Wait here," I said as I stood up and walked to my closet. "You're going to break up with her now?" {Y/N} asked gobsmacked and I bent down to take her face into my hands. "I know this sounds like a really, really bad situation. But it's not fair to her, you or me. I'll see you soon," I said as I kissed her cheek before I finished getting dressed.


Well that didn't go as planned.

I ignored the horrible break up before I got out of my car and ran into the band house. I sprinted like a cheetah into my room and saw {Y/N} laying on my bed.

I straddled her and she looked at me shocked. "I'm single," I breathed out before smashing my lips against hers.

Hope you liked it teambarnes

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