Onion Rings

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Chloe's POV

"Chlo," I heard Ross mumble as I felt kisses being pressed onto my naked shoulders. "Mmh," I hummed as I snuggled further into my cushions. "C'mon, babygirl. I have plans for today," Ross tried again before continuing kissing my shoulders and down my back.

My naked body was only covered by our thin white blanket as the sun shone brightly into our room. My boyfriend kissed back up my body before kissing my shoulder.

"It's my day off. Let's do something," Ross said and I opened my eyes. "Day off?" I questioned and his beautiful face came into view as he laid back down next to me.

He hummed. "Yes," "And what are your plans?" I questioned curiously as I laid on my side and his eyes roamed my naked chest. "Well it'll start with breakfast and after that we're getting out of town," he said and I hummed.

We always have adventures like this. Today's Thursday and since Ross doesn't work on weekends, we'll have a long weekend.

"That sounds nice," I said and he smirked. "But before we start our day, I have to start something else first," he said as he climbed on top of me causing me to giggle.


"Thank you," I smiled as Ross placed the stack of pancakes with blueberries and strawberries in front of me. "You're welcome, baby," he kissed me before sitting down in front of me at the table.

"So where are we going?" I asked before taking a bite of my pancakes

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

"So where are we going?" I asked before taking a bite of my pancakes. "Well I was thinking we could go to Los Olivos. Or just a small town a couple of hours away from here. Something new," he shrugged before eating his pancake.

That's one of the things I love about our relationship. The spontaneity. We've been together for three years now and I've never been more happy.

Wondering when he'll propose? So am I.

I mean we're 24. It's the perfect time for us to get married.

"That sounds amazing," I smiled and he grinned at me before taking my hand.


"Listening to Novacaine
Ocean on repeat again
Baby you were worth the wait
Baby you were worth the wait!" we yelled as we sped down the deserted road.

We both had sunglasses on our faces. "When you're wearing velvet girl," Ross sang as his hand snaked up my thigh. "It takes me to another world," he winked at me causing me to giggle before turning down the music slightly.

"I have a question," I said and he squeezed my thigh causing me to laugh because I was ticklish. "Shoot," he grinned and I took in a deep breath. "Do you see us getting married?" I asked and he kept his grin.

"You mean do I see you walking down the isle in a white dress. Do I see us saying our vows and kissing in front of our loved ones. Do I see us having an amazing party after that and incredible nights on our honeymoon?" he winked and I blushed at his last sentence. "Of course I do, baby," he said and I grinned wildly.

That's all I needed to hear.

"Pull over," I said and he looked at me questioningly. "What?" "Pull over behind the trees," I said and he looked at me weirdly, but still pulled over.

As soon as he killed the car I untangled myself from the seatbelt and climbed onto his lap. "Oh so that's why you wanted to pull over behind trees," he said causing me to giggle before kissing him softly. "I love you, Ross," I said and he grinned at me. "I love you too, Chloe," he said before I kissed him again.


Ross's POV

"Thank you," we smiled at the woman in her mid forties as she placed our food in front of us. "You're welcome. Enjoy," she grinned before walking away.

Chloe and I were sitting in a small diner in the middle of nowhere. It was just the two of us and the waiter in here. Suddenly Chloe's phone started ringing and she smiled at me.

"It's my dad," she said and I nodded for her to answer it. "Hey, Dad," she said and I continued looking at her. As she was talking on the phone I couldn't help but fall in love with her all over again.

I love her with everything I am.

My mind went back to the conversation earlier today and I smiled at the thought of marrying her. I want to propose to her. I really do, but I want to keep the spontaneity alive in our relationship. It's one of the things I love about our relationship.

I'm gonna do it.

Only problem is I don't have a ring. I looked around as I tried to think and suddenly looked at my plate before a smirk spread over my face. I took one of the onion rings and smirked as I held it in my fingers.

"Alright. I love you too. Bye, Dad," Chloe said and I stood up. "Come here," I said as I held out my hand and she looked at me questioningly before standing up.

"Chloe, for the past three years you've turned my world upside down. I've never loved anyone as much as I've loved you. I don't know what I'd do without you. You've showed me all the sides there is to life. I'm horrible with speeches so what I really want to ask you is..." I trailed off as I got down on one knee and Chloe gasped.

"I don't have a ring, but I know how much you love spontaneity. Chloe, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" I asked as I showed her the onion ring and she laughed with tears in her eyes. "Yes! Of course I'll marry you, Ross," she said and I slipped the onion ring onto her ring finger.

I jumped up and she wrapped her arms around my neck. "I love you so much," she grinned and I grinned back. "I love you too," I said before smashing my lips against hers. I heard the waiter 'aww' and Chloe laughed before burying her head in my neck as I grinned wildly.

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