A helping family (@rosslynch94)

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This imagine was written for rosslynch94. Hope you enjoy it!

Ross's POV
"I love you too," I said to my wife after our conversation on the phone and she hung up.

My wife, Miley, was currently in Florida for a business trip. My son, Riley, and I were at the house along with my five year old daughter, Olivia.

I honestly was extremely lucky in my life and I'm happy and content. R5 decided to take a break to raise our kids and be there for them. We honestly don't know if we're getting back together, - since we broke up almost ten years ago - but we were all happy with where we currently were in our lives. I decided to persuade my career as a pilot, but I kept my distances close to home and I don't do it a lot to be here for my children. Luckily I also invested in a lot of companies at a young age that made it big. 

I married Miley about 17 years ago. She was and still is the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on. Shortly after we got married we had Riley our first son. Our original plan was only to have Riley, but God blessed us with our beautiful daughter five years ago and I didn't think I could ever be this happy.

But with the good times, also came the bad.

Riley was born with high functioning autism and there's been highs and lows. We don't know why he was born with it since neither mine nor Miley's family has autism. He started having seizures as a baby and as he grew we started noticing the unexplainable bursts of rage. That's one reason why we decided only to have one kid. We were afraid it was going to happen again.

We decided to home school Riley, but in grade six he proved to us that he can start to control it and begged us to let him go to school. Despite his random bursts of anger he still gets sometimes he is still really doing good. I'm really proud of him despite everything.

"Dad," Riley said in a questioning tone as he entered the kitchen. I took a sip of my coffee and looked at him curiously. "Have you seen my watch? Also you look awful," he commented and I chuckled at his mother's traits. "Over there and I blame your sister," I said and he walked to the counter.

"Why?" the 16 year old asked and I took another sip of my coffee. “We started arguing about whether she should wear the pink shoes or the purple ones. She asked my opinion and then got mad when I said purple,” I shrugged and Riley chuckled.

The grumpy five year old glared at me before struggling onto the kitchen island’s chair and I got her breakfast ready. “Why so grumpy, pumpkin?” Riley asked Olivia.

“I’m mad at daddy,” she answered simply and I turned to her. “If I give you pancakes will you forgive me?” I asked and she eyed my curiously, her anger already fading. “Well what kind of pancakes?” Olivia asked sassily and I grinned as I saw my wife’s personality in my little girl. “Blueberry,” I answered and she quickly held out her hands for the plate.

“Thank you,” she grinned and I already knew I was forgiven as she started eating. “Want some?” I asked Riley and he nodded. After handing him his breakfast Olivia spoke up. “Daddy can I have a pony?” she asked and Riley looked at her questioningly.

“Why do you want a pony?” he asked confused. “Are you my daddy? No,” was all she said before looking at me questioningly again. “Oh so that’s how it’s going to be, huh?” Riley jokingly yelled before tickling her and the kitchen filled with her loud giggles and squeals.

I grinned softly at the relationship between the two. Despite the 10 year age difference, Riley loved his sister and put her before anything else.

“Come on guys if you guys are late your mom will kill me,” I said and Olivia looked at me. “Daddy are you scared of Mommy?” she asked and I jokingly widened my eyes and nodded slowly causing her to giggle.

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