Chapter 33- Leo and Liam's Past...and also a mate part 1

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After 40 minutes we finally pull up into a old resturaunt. It was very nice It's actually my favorite and Liam knows it. They have nice food and the service is great too.

Beep Beep a phone goes off.

I look over at Layla and she gets her phone and she looks pained I know. I'm still so angry at her mate Hunter. I mean why could he ever do that.  I want to just punch him over and over. I mean wouldnt you.We go inside and wait for someone to give us seets. A girl comes over some one new here cause I never seen her before. I look at her then this most lovely sent came traveling my way. Oh my gosh. It's coming from the waitress, I know it.

"Mate", my wolf screams.

She looks at me then mumbles hi. Aww but she's human. Hmm..doesn't matter I'll still love her no matter what.

I wink at her. She blushes then says, "Um, a party of what".

"A party of three", I say strongly. She takes her eyes away from me and looks at Liam and Layla. She glares a little bit then shakes her head putting her smile back on. Oh how I love her smile, it's so sweet and innocent.

"Ok, Right this way then", she says. Me, Layla, and Liam follow her. She goes to a table  by a window and we sit down. Me and Layla on one side and Liam on the other.

"Your waiter will be here in a moment", She smiles then leaves. Then something registers in my mind she said 'your waiter', as in she is not our waiter. My wolf howls in pain.

'I want mate back', My wolf says.

Someone pokes me. I lok their way and it was Layla. She whispers so only me and Liam can hear.

"See you found your mate", She says in smiles. I nod my head. I look into her eyes to see happiness and pain.

"So sad that's she not our waiter", Liam says.

"Yeah", I say.

'Go to ur mate. Make her our waiter', my wolf says.

'I can't just make her our waiter', I say back to my wolf.

Then next thing you know a guy comes up. I seen him before around here. He is Gay. He always looks at me like I'm some kind of sexy beast. Which I know I am. But not to a guy. His name is David.

He looks at me, "Oh hey Leo, I see you come back. But who's the girl. Is she yours...oh wait you guys look alike is that your lost-"

I cut him off and say, "Hey their again David, um not being rude or anything but can we get the new waiter. Um the girl with blonde hair and blue-green eyes".

He looked a little bit sad for a second then said angrily,"Ok I'll get her". Then stomped away clutching his notepad like very tightly.

Layla bursted out laughing. People looked at her then she quieted down and said,"He has the hotts for you".

"Lol". My brother was even laughing then he was chuckling.

"Shut up both of you", I say.

Then the new waiter with the blonde hair and blue-green eyes came up to our table.

"Um, was he bothering you or something. Because I kind of heard you requested me",the girl says.

"No, it's just that wanted to see you again", I say. Oh my gosh I make myself seem like a stalker.

"Oh, um what would you like to drink then", she asks us.

"Can I have the rasberry iced tea", Layla says.

"I'll have a beer ", I say.

"And I'll have a beer also", Liam says.

"So that will be 2 beers bud light and 1 rasberry iced tea", She says.

"Yes", I say. Then she nods and gives us each a menu then leaves.


We fianlyy finish eating and our now leaving I gave the waitress a $100 tip. She was supriesed. I told Layla and Liam to head out so I could speak to her. She came to me.

"Umm I don't know how to tell you this but it feels like I should see you again. But not just here but on a date", the girl well our waitress named Amy.

"Ok Amy I'll see you again. You know I was going to ask you out myself", I said. She gives me her number and then I wink at her and leave.


We are now home. In the living room.

"Layla we need to peak to you", Liam says right when Layla was about to go up the stairs.

"Umm, well ok", She says then comes hurriedly over and plops herself on the chair across from me and Liam.

"About our Past", Liam says. She nods her head appovaly.


hope you like this chapter. comment please I need your comments. Oh and also vote I will upadate the next part ASAP. Just wanted to give you a little something.

Oh and Liam finally found his mate Yay! Oh and just want to say Katie the girl who was caught with Hunter will be coming back in here. I'm going to give her a POV. That will probally come 3-5 chapters from now.


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