Suka #48

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Writing cannot be taught.

I can guide you, tell you the rules, give you tips and tricks, but your writing style is yours. You have to develop it, nurture, strengthen, evolutionize. You alone know how you write stuff. I can't teach you how to write.

Don't just be a writer, be a storyteller.

The two are universes apart in meaning. Don't just write stuff out of a piece of paper. You have a story to tell, and that story belongs to the universe and you have the power to tell it. Writing is not storytelling. Tell stories, don't just write them. Don't just construct words out of literary criteria. What dances in your mind is a brewing story and let it out all splendid. Tell stories, friends. Be it sad, touchy-feely, amazing, aweful, horrific, inspiring, tell it. Let the world know that this story exists.

Writing isn't just passion, it is a double-edged sword catalyst for change.

What you will write may kill others or yourself. How you handle that sword decides such fate. It isn't just simple zealous passion where all your feels be translated into words. Those words have powers. Those powers are beyond what you imagine they could be. You are a superhero of words, be full-assed to accept such responsibility.

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