Right By Your Side

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It's been a month and some change and Kendra found a spot and I was going over there to check on her just to make sure she was alright. Well not really I could care less about her well being she said she wanted to talk so here I am in her driveway with five guys. I rang her bell and she answered a few seconds later and the first thing that greeted me was her belly. "Damn girl you big looking like you might go into labor any second" We sat in the living room and she was sipping on something.

"Thanks for coming I really wanted to talk to you since your apart of his life majorly" This could be either good or bad since she is the baby moms. "Well I'm all ears hopefully its nothing good" I dug through my food munching on the fries. "I wanna give all my rights away to Dave. I'm not ready to be a mother but I know you two can raise her way better then I ever could" I nearly died once she said that. "Are you serious if you knew why you went through the pregnancy" She shook her head.

"I don't even know I thought I was ready but I'm not I can barely afford to keep the lights on anymore. I just think its best and I know he can be the best father to this little girl" I offered her some fries because at this point I was just speechless. "Well I'll mull it over with him when I see him. I would of expected you to call him but whatever" My next step was Alexis crib to meet up with Kennedy and Alexis for some girl chat.

"I hope we having some mimosas because I need a drink asap" I hopped on the couch just tired out. "Spill the tea girl is it about you and Dave" I took a long sip before telling them everything. "That heffa forcing Dave to be a father. She better give her right because I'll be damned if Dave paying child support" Kennedy was dead sometimes a fireball it was hilarious how she exploded on almost every topic. "Calm down girl but since she did I think its good give Dave some responsibility. Nigga be out at all times of the night doing who know what" Alexis said while on her phone.

"If he gonna be a dad he needs to sell that obnoxious house it was cool and all but now its just unnecessary. He needs to be a family man I just have to tell him" I had no idea how he was gonna take this he was sure set on having his kids only with me. "I swear I was better off single and living up under Drake" They both looked at me crazy.

"Speaking of Drake not that you and Dave back on your gonna have to tune him down. We don't need another Drake and Jaycee situation on our hands" I tossed my head back on the couch. "Drake and Dave both know what's up so that's not happening. I don't even see Drake when I'm here we are both busy people but enough about me. You two are also in relationships so talk up" I needed to talk about something else besides Dave and his seed.

Around 11 Dave finally texted me that he was home so I drove by just to tell him the news. "Hey future wifey what news are you bringing me" He gave me a quick kiss then we headed to the backyard. "Well I went over by Kendra's and she's not ready to be a mom so she said once the baby is born she's giving you all rights" He looked at me not even saying anything. "I swear I wore a condom this shit crazy. But she better because I'm gonna be a great damn dad" He said then grabbed my hand.

"We are gonna be great parents Jaycee" I nodded he was gonna need all the help because lord knows he can't cook or clean up without calling me two seconds later. I'd be new to this but I'm a women so all that motherly instinct should kick in if I'm right. "Well I see you took this well but I got a hotel room to go take advantage off" He blocked my way. "Nigga you staying its almost midnight. We can have a movie night with ice cream and everything" I shook my head I was over here almost everyday.

"No thank you we are taking this slow so I'll be going now" He grabbed my wrist laughing. "Slow my ass we were engaged and almost pregnant. The only time we going slow is when I'm inside ya giving you all this loving" I face palmed myself I swear this nigga never got tired. "Movie night now get out the way nigga" I went upstairs and out one of his shirts and knee high socks.

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