Beauty Doesn't Cry

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"This is what I needed" I sighed loving this Hawaiian tropical drink. "I can see damn near in love" Drake said laughing at me. "Oh shut up I'm just glad you here Dave gonna give me grey hairs" I havent directly talked to Dave since last night and we both didn't make an attempt. So I got out the house before anybody woke up to spend the day with Drake.

"Alright spill the tea Dr.Graham is here" He folded his arms and stared at me. I sighed dreading just talking about this again so I told him short and simple and he listened to everything. "Lack of communication plays a big part. Your never gonna have what you had in beginning so throw that away. You've both grown and either it's gonna work or not. So after we spend the day your gonna talk to him" I nodded understanding him.

We went to the beach played some games and by nine I was going back to the house. It was quiet except for music coming from upstairs of course it was Dave. I opened the door and there later Dreamy riding what I thought was the love of my life but everything went red. I blacked out and started beating her ass not giving a fuck until I was pulled off of her "DAVE ARE YOU SERIOUS" Kailee said throwing Dreamy a towel to cover up.

"I don't care its clear we just not meant" I shrugged my shoulder despite me wanting to cry a river away. I went back to my room and just went straight to sleep I understand the downfall was because of me but I was trying but it takes two. And he was in another world and I had to accept it and from this point one I was going back to the old Jaycee.

I woke up a little bit better but I wasn't gonna let this ruin the rest of my vacation it was time to show out. I went downstairs to make breakfast for everyone "Hey you alright" Kennedy said giving me a hug. "I'm fine actually but I wanna have fun so how about the beach" I shot a smile as I took out the orange juice. "That's what I like to hear Jaycee were gonna have a blast" Alexis said grabbing the plates.

"Count me out I'm staying behind I need to figure out what's going on with Dave" Kailee said shaking head. "Isn't it obvious I got cheated on but that happens everyday" I said sharing out the food. "Oh c'mon Jaycee don't even be like that nobody did that when you were with Drake" I turned around and looked at her. "Oh don't give me that bullshit Kailee all of you were down my throat. And at the moment we weren't even together and I fucking tried and apologized. I could care less thats he is your brother he is wrong. Don't ever try that shit again Kailee trust me" I slammed the spatula down and stormed upstairs back to my room.

It was clear that I wasn't staying up in this house with hyprocites and a dirty trife nigga. I grabbed my suitcase and packed my clothes then went to Dave's room to get the rest of my stuff. "You can't knock no more" I sucked my teeth ignoring him I had nothing much to say to him. He got up coming toward me and grabbed my arm "You can't speak no more" I laughed pushing him off me. "Let me tell you this once this is the end we are never getting back together" I slammed the door behind me and went back to my room.

I texted Drake that I was coming with him back to L.A and he was pretty understanding. "Where you going" Dave said and he was just annoying me. "Leaving did you come in here to add insult to injury" He sat next to me and just looked at me. "Look I'm sorry about last night my head was just everywhere and I had a couple to drink." He tried to grab my hand but I pulled away. "I don't care Dave not anymore I know I fucked up I'll never forget but I tried and what are you doing nothing" I zipped up my bag just ready to leave already.

"You not leaving Jaycee we suppose to be working on us" He held my wrist and I just looked at the door. "That's not what you want Dave trust me" I continued downstairs and just walked right out the door and out of his life. This was the hardest thing ever it was on her heart heavy but neither of them were happy so why drag it out any longer then it needed to be.


"Fuck man" I said throwing a vase at the wall. "What's going on and where's Jaycee" Kailee said grabbing my hand. "She left bro and none of y'all fucking did anything. Yall so busy laughing and shit in the kitchen fuck all of y'all. Don't call me once this trip over" I was beyond pissed at myself. I gave Jaycee hell and so did everybody else when she lied about having Sex with Drake and here I am sleeping with Dreamy.

She never told me she was unhappy and I took it as she was unhappy with me. She was the bomb and I just needed her to know I'd never forget her. She hated me despite the smile that was on her face moments earlier "Dave open the door" Kailee said pounding at the door. I grabbed my phone Calling Jaycee phone over and over again and no answer. I knew she wouldn't be at the house or even in Atlanta this was just a mess.

We all had our demons and secrets I was just depressed and escaped through that by sex. I'd never thought I'd battle depression but it was real and I couldn't handle it on my own. It got worse and worse since I found about Jaycee and Drake and then when we got back together all I could think about was what if she leaves again and this time she actually did.  I stared out the window thinking that all I had to do was tell her she was never one to judge instead she would of helped him.

He was alone in this world his sister was caught up in her own world and he had no interest of bothering his mom. Dave knew Jaycee wasn't coming back and that he just lost the love of his life. 

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