Do You Love Me

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This hotel is pretty nice I thought to myself collapsing on the bed. The flight had me exhausted all I wanted to do was eat some hot wings and take a nap. A few seconds later my phone started to rang I knew it was either Alexis or Kennedy. I rolled over and answered "Hey girls what's up" I could hear music blasting way to high. "Bitch get over here we having a cookout and we need to see that booty shake" Kennedy yelled into the phone.

"Fine but only because I missed you guys be there soon" I tossed my phone on the bed and grabbed my suitcase to look for a nice outfit. My car was at Dave's place which I needed to pick up so I didn't have to waste my money on taking ubers everywhere. Once I got dressed I looked in the mirror real quick and headed out. "JAYCEEEEE" Kennedy and Alexis came running to me squeezing me tight. "You look so different take a spin" I laughed but still spinned for them

"Now come on we saved the best songs till you arrived" They dragged me to where they were sitting and poured me some ciroc. "Ugh I've missed you so much when are you coming back" Kennedy said slapping my thigh. "Soon I promise I've missed you guys too now lemme go say hi to the boys" The boys were by the grill obviously smoking and playing dominoes. "Is that fine old Jaycee" Desus said clapping. "Yes it is me look at you guys all grown up" I took a seat next to Jaheim teasing his baby face. "Hmm whatever I'm just happy you back" Kendrick said giving me a squeeze.

"I didn't know you guys cared so much" I laughed I really did miss everybody. "Yo where the plates at Jaheim" Dave said coming up his voice was easy to remember. "Oh hey.... Jaheim where they at" I smiled and went back to the girls. "Sissy how'd we know you was gonna leave when he showed" Alexis said laughing at me. "It ain't no surprise its been a year a good one now let's go" We danced and laughed for hours something I've deeply missed. Getting Drunk with Drake was different from this real different "I'm twerked out im surprised Kailee ain't show" Kennedy said collapsing on the couch.

The party moved indoors since it got dark and mosquitoes tore up Desus arm. "Her petty ass" Jerome laughed turning down the speakers. "Y'all niggas must of forgot y'all owe money cough up" Dave said taking out uno cards. "New game Jaycee here bro and you know she a beast" Jaheim said giving me a dap. "I ain't playing I'm about to dip I need to go get my car so I can stop taking ubers" I unplugged my phone and went to the uber app. "Not necessary Dave can drop you off he was just going home" Jaheim interrupted snatching my phone. 

"Really Jaheim give me back" I crossed my hands these niggas is acting out. "Just let Dave drop you off then you can have it back" I looked at Dave then back at Jaheim. "Fine I don't know what's thats suppose to do" I walked outside waiting by the door since I didn't recognize any of these cars. He eventually came outside with a solo cup and his keys in the other hand "My car across this street" I followed behind him.

"New car I see" I mumbled as i got in. Stars were on the ceiling it was very nice he was doing well for himself. We cruised in silence there was no reason for us to talk until I heard his voice come from the radio. I looked at it and I actually smiled it was my first time hearing him on the radio "That's new" I said laughing. "Yeah I was hype as hell the first time I heard myself. Went to celebrate the same day" I nodded my head.

"Look Jaycee I'm sorry I know its been a year but I still wanna apologize. I was depressed and just not doing well and nobody deserves being cheated on" I looked at him and just stared but never said anything. "We all do things we not proud of just gotta move on" I finally manage to get out. "So what you been up to in california" He asked me. "Work I opened another store and got my own clothing line. Now working on perfumes just very busy" I layed back and just looked out the window.

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