Dreams Are Made Of

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"Hmm new york where my little Davey was raised" I squeezed his hand looking at all the sights. "Of course imma have you styling all over New York" We first pulled up to a pizza shop so we could chill for a while. "So are you a little nervous about meeting my mom" He set the pizza and drinks down. "Who knows I know I'm probably the best girlfriend ever" I smiled grabbing a slice of cheesy pizza.

"Right about that one she's hated everybody I've ever brought home" He laughed taking pictures of me. "I bet your camera filled with pictures of me that I know nothing about" He giggled to himself. "Believe that even ones where your naked. In my spare time I enjoy them but block out ya annoying voice" I sucked my teeth.

"I don't even question what you do anymore I just hope our son never ends up like you" He smiled and raised his glass. "Soon it would of been even better if you had took those tests I Bought...Waste of my money" I finished up and texted my girls. "No one told ya too I would be the first to know if I'm pregnant anyways" I tucked my phone away waiting for him to finish the rest of the pie.

"Man whatever come on I told my mom we are on our way" He left a tip and we walked down the block. "Just be yourself shawty I know she'll love you like I do" I laughed at him "You watch way too many movies when im not around" We walked inside an apartment building and went to the fourth floor. "Your hands are shaking seem way nervous then me" He gave me the middle finger and knocked on the door. A older blonde women opened the door and she looked so happy to see Dave.

"Oh Dave, glad to see your back and with a little lady on your shoulder" She pulled me into a tight embrace then closed the door behind us. "Mom calm it down this is Jaycee" She smiled at me "Finally don't wanna believe the million of pictures Dave sends me of you almost everyday" I followed them to the livingroom where we sat down. "I can believe that one he only tells me so much" I picked up a picture frame of baby Dave. He was just the cutest "Tell everything Mom I ain't bring her down to tell her everything I tell you" She smiled putting away the photo album she was taking out.

"Now anyway how was the birthday fly away I suspected you guys were gonna share the news" I looked at Dave his fast ass. "Everybody tells me that but I came back the same" He smiled turning on the t.v. "Men come on Jaycee let me show you Dave's old room" He grabbed my hand pulling me upstairs. "His room is so boyish just look at the girls on his wall" I ran my hands over the numerous posters. "Told his ass million of times to take them down but he don't listen. So anyways how are you and Dave" I sat on his bed and cradled his pillow.

"Wonderful we don't argue much besides him trying to get me pregnant" She laughed sitting next to me. "Sounds about right I swear he's been wanting a baby since his first girlfriend. Obsessed with being a father" I smiled at the thought. "In his words he's just trying to trap me but he stills young. I don't to bust his chops to tell him come home because the baby needs him" Dave walks in laughing. "Man your boujee mom just tell her let me seed her up" I got up and gave him a hug.

"Aren't you two the cutest and Dave stop tryns knock her up now about you focus on putting a shiny rock on her bare hand" She crossed her arms smiling at us. "Man I've been working on that since I met her crazy ass" I looked up at him my eyes twinkling. "Now get out of here I have my girls coming over" She pushed us out "Aight mom lucky I wanna take her out to the little carnival" I got my purse and waited downstairs.

"Let's get this show on the road buddy" We drove up to the carnival and stopped for some funnel cake. "Your mad tall for what have me always looking up" He threw his arm around me and gripped my ass biting his lips. "Girl do we really gotta go on some rides I'm just ready to strip you of these clothes. Smother ya bodies in my kisses and have you moaning out for the lord." I looked around then back at him "Let's get out of her you got me all hot and heavy" He picked me up.

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