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"May I ask why im getting notifications that you keep liking my pictures" Dave said showing me his feed. "Because I can now who's Jaheim your sister would like to know" He rolled over putting his face in my chest. "Partner he just got out y'all meeting him soon so be nice" I rubbed his face.

"Hmm I'll be on the lookout for sure" He grinned snatching my phone out my hand. "You need an instagram break all up on my profile. My other girl probably going nuts" He laughed which I didn't. "I would feel the same but my other dude knows he's the weekend" I snatched my phone back and mushed his head.

"So Davey I was thinking of finally going back to work its been like two months" He looked at me squinting his eyes. "Hmm fine I'll be watching though but if your ready then fine" I smothered his face with kisses. "Im surprised your a tough cookie" I went to my text messages texting back my mom. "Well I would of said no but im still giddy after that head last night" I rolled my eyes. "Of course you are, Im going by my parents house today would you like to tag along." He shrugged his shoulders. " Damn you want me to meet your parents love me admit it" I threw a pillow at him "Yes or no David" he sighed.

"Eh im pretty sure your dad is anti-Dave so yeah I'll tag along" I smiled then jumped on him. "See you could be a great boyfriend im starting to like you" he moved my hair from my face. "Boyfriend...I thought we was just fucking" His hands trailed inside my pants massaging my butt. "Whatever just act like you've some what changed my parents will dog me out if they know you still out here" He bent me over kissing me up on my neck.

"I could care less because I got they daughter hooked on my medicine" I laughed turning over wrapping my arms around his neck. "Your right but it would still be nice if they liked you" He stared in my eyes for the longest. "I soon take you on a vacation get you pregnant and engaged" I laughed sitting up. "In like five years pa now go hit the showers" He left and I went to my bathroom. I put on a simple outfit since I don't know what my parents are doing.

He came back with a tank top shorts and gucci slides with socks. "How I look like a snack" He twirled around. "Can't take you no where, what's in the backpack mister" He took selfies in my mirror. "Protection I haven't been in that neighborhood in years. Im sure by now niggas know I'm out" I rolled my eyes you can't take this nigga no where. "Im your worst enemy if you don't leave that here" I crossed my arm.

"Sorry ma I'm always strapped so come on I want an icee" He went downstairs and I grabbed my purse. "Just be nice little boy" I said getting out. "No promises babymoms" I knocked and to my luck my dad answered of course. "Daddy's little girl and David what are you doing here" I shook my head. "Dad calm down where's mom" He couldn't take his eyes off David. "She'll be back soon but what are you doing bringing David around you know he's dangerous" Dave laughed.

"Ahh Mr.Hurst your right but im a changed man. Seven years can really change a should know right" To see Dave and my father go back to back was interesting. "You deserve life for your crimes"My dad sais which made Dave laugh. "Don't play innocent in front of your daughter because I'll be around forever and the truth shall be set free" It was quiet you could hear the ice cream truck outside. "Ahh ice cream babe I'll be outside eating a cold one."

Once he left I pressed my father "Whatever Dave is talking about I better hear it from you and not him" He sighed looking at the window. "Im your father not your friend...I don't know why you bring him around here. He should be dead for what he has done" He looked at me with a serious look. "If you hurt him dad trust me you won't like being on my bad side" I stepped up at him. "You would protect him over me thats funny" I laughed.

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